Bloom - Post-Funding Update #13
Another development update for Bloom has appeared and this time it talks about and shows; hit-detection, water effects, maps, characters and music (obviously it doesn't show that, but you can listen to it).
In the last few months we have made some great progress in pretty much every area of the game. The alpha download is going to be delayed a little bit though (when we went to indiecade a couple weeks ago, we found some big performance issues on less powerful computers that we need to sort out).
So, what have we been up to? I'm glad you asked!!
Engine Updates! - James has been adding a bunch to the engine in between his other work. Some of the stuff this last couple months have been updated AI, UI, revamped attack and hit detection (supporting multiple frames), new water effects and character reflections, along with updates to the way we handle event firing.
We still have plenty to do, but it has been pretty exciting as we move into abilities and general game play. Here are some gifs from the latest build (set up to test some of the combat and event handling).
Information about
BloomSP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Adventure-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: In development