Bloom - Development Update
In a new update for Bloom information is provide about a new feature named "flavor events", art updates, programming and sound.
First off is our new feature I like to call the "flavor events". Effectively these are slower paced events meant to flesh out the world a bit and rely more on pure choice for the player on how to proceed. You've likely seen them before in a variety of games (especially older RPGs).
For example, if you get lost in "the tangle" (a maze-like section of the forest), instead of kicking you back to the central part of the maze to try again....we could present you with the situation "You've become lost in the tangle. As you wander trying to find a way out, you come across a fork in the path. Take the clear east path? Take the west path blocked by brambles? Or stop and try and gather yourself?". Then each one of these path choices have their own risks and rewards.
Originally I was going to make these just text....but it didn't last long before I decided we needed backgrounds. Here are some examples of where I'm going with that. It's nice to be able to do some backgrounds that aren't confined by the limitations of the top-down playable view.
Information about
BloomSP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Adventure-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: In development