Bloom - GDC, AI and Switch
In the latest development update for Bloom: Memories we learn that someone of the team will be at GDI, updates in AI, bugs, writing and that they are thinking about providing a version for Nintendo's Switch.
As I was setting up some of the creatures AI and getting deeper into the diversity of their stimuli usage...I realized players would be lost trying to figure out what senses a creature was using. Like the moss slug only using smell, or a crag golem having generally poor senses.
So, in order to address this, I decided to add a bestiary you can slowly unlock by interacting with creatures. These will have some clues for each creature that I think are relevant to help everyone figure out what is going on (such as the spring snails ability to increase growth rate of nearby plants).
This is also where my favorite update this month came from....something so genius I surprised even myself. Remember the grumble berries? One of the first creatures I made?
They are now sentient potatoes!! (tubers technically) 10/10 best addition!
Information about
BloomSP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Adventure-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: In development