Bloom - A Detour for Some Funding
The further development of Bloom is hampered by a lack of funds. To remedy this, the idea that is brought forward in the latest update, is to develop a small other game in a quick way to gain some additional funds.
After the last update I sat down and considered the various options we had (of which there aren't really many). Got a few more months of runway left, but after that everything becomes a lot more tricky haha.
Anyhow, one of these options is to produce something smaller to help fund the rest of development. I've seen other developers do something similar and it seems to work fairly well (such as Starr Mazer publishing their shooter game or Mike Bithell creating a small project in a couple months with his Subsurface Circular).
Luckily I've been keeping a list of future smaller projects I'd like to do relating to Bloom. If you've been following along, you've even seen me playing around with a couple ideas now and then.
The thing is whatever project it was....it had to be relatively quick, while also moving ahead the main game (which means working with the games systems we have so we can keep improving them).
Some of you may remember the old classic arcade game Gauntlet (which was later ported around and followed up with various sequels). Even recently a modern reboot was released (though it had become more like a 3d dungeon crawler, ala Diablo).
I thought this might make a great candidate that would fit into the work we have done so far....and, since no games have really followed its claustrophobic 2d dungeon crawling for decades....it seemed like there was actually a reason for us to take it on.
Not only that, but later iterations of the game (before it went 3d) even supported a quest mode ....where your treasure could be spent for upgrades as you worked towards an overarching goal. Something I had missed when I was younger, but seemed perfect to tie the dungeon crawling adventure together.
There are some screenshots to be found at the link.
Information about
BloomSP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Adventure-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: In development