Titan Quest II - Sparta
Learn more about the Spartans in Titan Quest II:
Sparta in Titan Quest II
Sparta. Whether the name calls to mind Lacedaemon, Helen of Troy, Leonidas, or the Peloponnesian Wars, Sparta’s legend stands apart. In classical times, its influence stretched across the Peloponnesian peninsula and as far away as Italy.
So naturally, we wanted to feature Sparta in Titan Quest II. But we didn’t want these to be the same old Spartans. In keeping with our philosophy, we wanted to present a unique and fantastical twist that was nevertheless rooted in the history and classical stories that inspire us.
Ours is a world in which the monsters of myth are real, and they pose a real threat to the humans who live among them. Until recently, the Spartans and their powerful military served the role of protectors, defending the towns and villages of Greece from these mythological threats.
Thanks Couchpotato!
Information about
Titan Quest IISP/MP: Single + MP
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Action-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: In development