No, I read the whole thing. Not sure if you did, or maybe you're just being disingenuous. Look at the common origin of the cognates you mentioned, where you conveniently cut off your quote:
Well, no, that was obviously what you were referring to about 'white' elves.. I added the part you did not mention...
My advice is that if you don't like it, don't consume it. I am more or less what these days is called "optimistic nihilist" (or Existentialist, for a more philosophical term) and I don't go kicking down the doors of churches for any of the 3000 different religions that all think they are the true one and everyone else is wrong, and I definitely don't shout at their face "why are you wasting your time with bullshit fairytales you brainwashed idiots!". It's their church, and if it gives them fulfillment in life, that's fine, as long as they don't try to impose their way of thinking on me.

Games don't impose anything on you, they are a form of entertainment for you to consume, only if you like it. You don't like something about a game? That's fine, don't play it, ignore it completely. There are plenty of other games with white male heterosexual protagonists and a rigid good-evil axis that fit your preferences, play those and enjoy those instead of letting the things you don't like rile you up. The more you care about the things that annoy you, the worse the quality of your life and mental health will be. And that's a fact as hard as a granite wall, not a random statement pulled from a fortune cookie.

Now I'm aware this is the internet and everyone must have an antagonizing opinion about everything, at zero risk of being hit with a baseball bat in the nose for their stupidity, so anyone can do as they prefer. As I said, it's their quality of life that suffers, the rest of us are just one ignore button click away from not being affected.
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If the atmosphere, writing and immersion are quality then I can accept all sorts of interpretations. I saw Macbeth with Lady Macbeth being played, in a very English, white theatre production, by a black American woman but within minutes we were completely immersed. Had Macbeth pulled out a laser gun to murder Duncan I might have thought differently.

I do think representation matters though and sometimes it has to be given a push, for example womens roles in games. I have mild misgiving about the Assassins Creed casting/story decision, I wonder if this is a lost opportunity to give the front stage to Japanese characters that aren't Yakuza or anime type.

I thought elves were blue.
Games don't impose anything on you, they are a form of entertainment for you to consume, only if you like it. You don't like something about a game? That's fine, don't play it, ignore it completely.
I could do that but when it happens with the biggest games do I really want to miss out to play some generic eurojank instead? It's like when you're really thirsty and you notice a fly dropped in your drink. I try to pretend it's not there, but I know it is, but I'm not going to stay thirsty either.
You say there are plenty of games out there that wouldn't bother me, care to name any top tier games that may fit my bill? I've been meaning to get around to the Pathfinder games do you think I would have any issues with them?
The point of my thread though was what artistic choices have soured YOU on a game. You say to just ignore games that bother you so which games have YOU done that with?
I see why that is frustrating, and it's why I personally prefer when games give you as many choices as possible so everyone can find their niche within the same game. For example, offer extensive character creation, different difficulties, or even choice between TB and RTwP. Everyone pays the same price for the game, so everyone deserves to have a similar experience. Sadly this is utopic and only a few studios can actually afford it, and not everyone will be satisfied, anyway.

And then the issue arises when some people don't want others to have choice, they want the game to be as they prefer, and fuck everyone else because if it's not something I care about, then it doesn't matter (don't look further than BG3, people bitching about how necessary it is to allow choosing genitalia/pronouns/voiceset that don't match their preferences, all companions being romanceable by the main character regardless of their gender, or the arbitrary "too many resources spent" on anything they don't care about because we all know every random person has the sole right to decide what resources are spent on what, as if everything in a game had to be optimized to please them alone and nobody else).

I can tell you for instance that I'd much prefer if Ciri was the main character of The Witcher 3 - I'd probably have enjoyed the game much better. I just can't get into the manly macho batman-voiced womanizer attitude of Geralt, but there isn't anything I can do about that, I can just accept the Witcher 3 is a great game that I don't get to enjoy as much as others do. What would be utterly stupid is if I started suggesting in threads about the game that CDProjekt has a White Power/Supremacy agenda and they're racist studio because of how blatant and brutal racism is in the Witcher's 3 setting, and that's exactly a lot of what I see around this "black samurai" thing, which I find both childish and distasteful.

Games are meant to be enjoyable, I wouldn't overthink it. I try to enjoy the game, and if it doesn't work, that's too bad. There's always another game.
I see why that is frustrating, and it's why I personally prefer when games give you as many choices as possible so everyone can find their niche within the same game. For example, offer extensive character creation, different difficulties, or even choice between TB and RTwP. Everyone pays the same price for the game, so everyone deserves to have a similar experience. Sadly this is utopic and only a few studios can actually afford it, and not everyone will be satisfied, anyway.

And then the issue arises when some people don't want others to have choice, they want the game to be as they prefer, and fuck everyone else because if it's not something I care about, then it doesn't matter (don't look further than BG3, people bitching about how necessary it is to allow choosing genitalia/pronouns/voiceset that don't match their preferences, all companions being romanceable by the main character regardless of their gender, or the arbitrary "too many resources spent" on anything they don't care about because we all know every random person has the sole right to decide what resources are spent on what, as if everything in a game had to be optimized to please them alone and nobody else).

I can tell you for instance that I'd much prefer if Ciri was the main character of The Witcher 3 - I'd probably have enjoyed the game much better. I just can't get into the manly macho batman-voiced womanizer attitude of Geralt, but there isn't anything I can do about that, I can just accept the Witcher 3 is a great game that I don't get to enjoy as much as others do. What would be utterly stupid is if I started suggesting in threads about the game that CDProjekt has a White Power/Supremacy agenda and they're racist studio because of how blatant and brutal racism is in the Witcher's 3 setting, and that's exactly a lot of what I see around this "black samurai" thing, which I find both childish and distasteful.

Games are meant to be enjoyable, I wouldn't overthink it. I try to enjoy the game, and if it doesn't work, that's too bad. There's always another game.
Thank you, that's fair. As you can imagine, I slipped into Geralt's shoes like a glove and loved the game.
I don't think I ever got annoyed more than a short time at a game's adaptation of an IP. I was a little bit annoyed both male and female characters in AC Valhalla had the same female name, but I let it go quite quickly.

I was peeved they changed Faramir's personality in the LOTR films and made the first Nazgul sequences too actiony, which made my viewing of them less enjoyable, even though I understood they chose to do it for some reason. But the films are otherwise very enjoyable, so I dropped it. Mostly :p