... if I've the urge to really replay before then, the classic version will serve me well.
Modding the game with all those fixed up textures and improved models should be easier with a new version of 7th Heaven sometime soon.
All I can say is that I can't wait until the remake comes out. It's supposed to be significantly different from the original, and considering it's widely considered to be the best game in the franchise, I'm sure I'm not the only one looking forward to this release.
Nothing stopping you from spending 50+ hours mindlessly grinding, which is the only way you would make any of the other Final Fantasy games last 100 hours.
Yeah, but he's got a point - 35 hours sounds like about half the length of a typical FF game to me. I sure hope the later installments are a lot longer.

And I still don't know just how those installments will work with save games made from this game. Would people that do a lot of crazy grinding have it easy in the next game or will everyone start out the same?
Absolutely loved it. Probably my favorite JRPG of all time (and before you rush to your keyboard and accuse me of being 16 and never having played X JPRG game, I've played virtually all of them)

Apparently a lot of people like grinding a whole lot. No Final Fantasy game save XII took me more than 40 hours, and that one took only a bit longer and that because there's a lot of hunts and such to do. I can't imagine turning any of them into 70-100 hour games. The 43 hours FF7 Remake took was very substantial. Tons of memorable moments in this game, and I never got tired of the gameplay.

Btw, if you absolutely MUST play it for 70+ hours, there's a hard mode that unlocks after you finish the game and you can play in that mode chapter by chapter as you desire.
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You're 16 (in bristlecone pine years) and you've never played X:Beyond the Frontier! ;)
So on a side note how many games are planned as the part is basically the prolouge + chapter one? I was reading it might take four more games to finish the rest, and if so that's to expensive for me.
So on a side note how many games are planned as the part is basically the prolouge + chapter one? I was reading it might take four more games to finish the rest, and if so that's to expensive for me.

I don't think SquareEnix themselves have discussed it, so it's all outside speculation. I think it'll take at least two more installments but beyond that, I don't know. It is a game's worth of content, so if you think of it as three (or whatever) games in a series with continuity (like the Witcher or Mass Effect series are) rather than parts of one game, it's not overpriced.
I get that buts it's a remake of a full game. It's hilarious actually because if you told me I would have to pay over $200 to play a full game, I would of laughed & called it a scam years ago. Sems times and buyer habits changed over the years.

Hopefully it's fully finished and doesn't take another 5+ years.

As for Mass Effect and Witcher the games actually we're complete and each had an ending. Not really the same but I get your point.

My final point is I'm not liking the new Square Enix. So who knows I may buy the complete trioligy? someday for a lot less.
I thought it was mentioned a long time ago that it was going to be three parts. I could be wrong, but that's what I seem to remember. That was probably just speculation though.

Three would be about right since the first part covered roughly about the same as the first disc in the original version, and the original was three discs.

Since they're expanding the story in some parts, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being four installments. Anything more than that though would be disappointing imo and would make a lot of fans feel like Square Enix is just milking it.
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Yup, I'm certainly waiting until this is fully available before picking it up myself, and prior to that I'll be checking out several reviews. I'm not planning to simply throw money away if it turns out to be rubbish.
Well it doesn't show up on PC for about a year anyway - we should definitely know by then.

Hey @JFarrell71;, when you were playing, did the game seem to be setting up to continue your save game in the next installment? For instance, the original game had some of those Turtle's Paradise posters as collectables to turn in well after Midgard - or nuts that were useless until you got to where you could breed chocobos. I'm wondering if they are going to continue the saved games or just start everyone the same in the next installment.
Well it doesn't show up on PC for about a year anyway - we should definitely know by then.

Hey @JFarrell71;, when you were playing, did the game seem to be setting up to continue your save game in the next installment? For instance, the original game had some of those Turtle's Paradise posters as collectables to turn in well after Midgard - or nuts that were useless until you got to where you could breed chocobos. I'm wondering if they are going to continue the saved games or just start everyone the same in the next installment.

I don't recall anything like that. IIRC everything I had and did had a purpose within this installment.
I'm sure it will simply to maximize the sales/potential. This was/is a big title, and should be show that respect until proven otherwise, I'm just praying it doesn't turn out to be a lemon best forgotten.
Once PS exclusivity wears off I'd be frankly amazed if it doesn't hit every platform possible.
Well, there's a thing: namely the PS5 thing. It will very likely be showing up before FF7R gets through all episodes. So how is that going to happen? Will Square do the first two episodes for PS4 then make the rest just for PS5? Sony would love that but Square would get a lot of hate for it from players that won't be able to (or just don't want to) afford a PS5 for a while. So maybe they will re-release the episodes upgraded for PS5 with a reduced cost for people who have the PS4 version? Or maybe they will just finish the whole thing on PS4 and the release a "definitive" edition with all episodes on PS5?

Then you have the PC hanging out there. Will PC gamers want the PS5 version or the PS4? Or are they going to get some sort of upgrade option, too??

I'm sure this will get to PC (and Xbox) some day but, depending on how all this plays out, I wouldn't count on it being 1 year and 2 seconds after the PS4 release.
I beat it in about 45 hours....a lot of fun, really enjoyed it.