Are they even planning on it coming to PS5? I heard some mentions on twitter that it's only for PS4 and Switch? Or do they mean by the very fact that the PS5 can run all PS4 games, that it's also coming to PS5?
Anyway, talk about an absolute bummer. And I hear it's not even running at 60fps, even though its emulated? And Rockstar again went for some third party studio? I hope they're a better choice than the ones that handled the GTA ports.
Regardless, its obvious Take2 and Rockstar (management, I would imagine) don't give a shit about their games. They're just trying to get the most with the least investment.
Console or PC?

As experience says we'll have to wait a few more years for the PC port. Funny given Rockstar was at one time only a PC developer, but changed. Not for the best.

Hopefully it has Single-player expansions as five didn't because of the online focus.
Correct but it was re-released so many times I forgot. Still was delayed for PC though.
I'm good with it being delayed for PC as long as it's polished. Given how popular GTA Online ended up being, I wouldn't be surprised if they do a simultaneous release for GTA VI.
That is a good question, as to why they aren't releasing this shitty emulated version onto PC. Since they want to invest as minimal as possible, I do wonder why they aren't slapping it onto PC as well. Is it really that much more work? I doubt it.
Personally, I'd take that shitty emulated version as long as it has minimal PC controls. They don't even have to change the UI prompts. I'll take it. :p


Good theory
I agree with his opinion, but why is he showing footage from RDR2 while talking about RDR1? That's probably going to confuse some people.
The boyfriend said literally one word in that trailer, but I'm still 99% sure that's Troy Baker.

Looks awesome. I'll play the crap out of it. Looks like we're getting the series' first female protagonist.

The trailer has 16 million views in 2 hours on Rockstar's Youtube channel. I think people are ready for this.
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The boyfriend said literally one word in that trailer, but I'm still 99% sure that's Troy Baker.

Looks awesome. I'll play the crap out of it. Looks like we're getting the series' first female protagonist.
Yeah it is pretty much a mandatory play for me as well. I haven't not finished one since I finished the original GTA when it first came out back in the late 90's!

It looks like you get to play both the guy and girl as well and it looks like they are in some kind of relationship? Less keen on the last bit but it could be okay if the story is engaging enough.
Re-post of my older post.:biggrin:

Not impressed as I stopped caring about GTA after the fourth game. Also was never a fan of the switch to multiple protagonists either, but I'm in the minority it seems once again.
While there are some improvements to the visuals, it's nothing compared to how gorgeous RDR2 looks, imo. But we'll have to see when we get more gameplay.
I'm not too excited for it, and nothing really has me chomping at the bit. The outlaw couple also doesn't do much for me, but we'll see how they implement it.
I'll try it out just to see the sheer production values that usually goes with games on this scale, and we'll how it goes.

I should mention the only gta game I actually finished was Vice City. All the others I've played to various degrees, but always dropped off at a point.
The boyfriend said literally one word in that trailer, but I'm still 99% sure that's Troy Baker.
Not sure, but everyone seems to think it's an actor by the name of Bryan Zampella.

I think it's weird that Rockstar is still being so tight-lipped about who the voice actors are at this point.
While there are some improvements to the visuals, it's nothing compared to how gorgeous RDR2 looks, imo. But we'll have to see when we get more gameplay.
Really? I think it looks pretty impressive from a visual standpoint. Some of those scenes are almost photo-realistic. It remains to be seen though if the actual game will look like that.

I should mention the only gta game I actually finished was Vice City. All the others I've played to various degrees, but always dropped off at a point.
Vice City was also my favorite, and I didn't even play it to the end. I've bounced off this series for the most part.

Not sure about this one yet. I like the pseudo-Miami setting, but I'm not sold on the characters.
The graphics are impressive, but the environment will never beat RDR2's vistas. Perhaps it's subjective, though.

It'd be harder for me to compare CP2077 with RDR2, even though it's still mostly a city environment. Maybe because of the cyberpunk theme, with all the lights, and the pronounced character of each district.