
Disgusting Thing
Our beloved home is down for some reason right now. I suspect it may have been the deluge of new TES V threads popping up that sent DU over the edge, causing him to throw the server out his window.

Anyway I need some place to hang my hat for a while until he fixes it, so you guys'll have to do.

Miss me?

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How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Now, now, JDR. It could be worse. OK, not much worse, but still...
Like a vampire.
Where my homies at? Roll call, ya'all!

Edit: Whup, there's Jaesun. What up yo!
They are fapping to Oblivion.
As the Codex burnt, I held Andhaira in my arms. With his dying breath, he whispered to me,

"Make for...the safety of...RPG Watch. They will...provide for us there. From that safe...haven we can...regroup...and build...anew."

I have come. Evening all.
Good idea Crispy. Any codex/ refugees should roll-call now. Codexia is dead! Long live Codexia!
yeah, I'm very sad that the RPGCodex is down because I'm not welcome here and everywhere else I have been banned :<
yeah, I'm very sad that the RPGCodex is down because I'm not welcome here and everywhere else I have been banned :<

It's not your fault. It's the world.