Starfield continues to distinguish itself from previous BGS offerings in how the game reacts to the choices you make in quests (and, of course, in giving you choices in the first place). Being vague to avoid spoilers, I'm doing a faction questline in which there are a whole bunch of choices and combinations of choices, and it's clear that the game gives a shit which combo you do.

In one case, I could infiltrate a place on my own or report to someone and then infiltrate that place. Reporting to that person, he tells you to involve a third party, a powerful figure in the city. I didn't do so, and decided to try to infiltrate the place on my own after all (which I did successfully by finding rooftop ingress).

Not only did yet another NPC (a busybody type) make it clear that the game knew I had reported to that NPC but ignored him (remember, I could have left him out of the loop entirely, or reported to him and followed his instructions), I was also later told that the powerful third party NPC was upset that he was circumvented, and that now I needed to do him a personal favor, a quest that doesn't show up on any of the Wikis currently.

If that sounds convoluted, it is, but that's precisely what's so great about it.
Ran into an annoying bug on a sidequest. I'm helping a group of families clear their system of spacers, and I'm at a part where there's a space battle against 4-5 enemy ships. There are supposed to be allied ships there fighting with me, but when I jump to that location, they aren't there, and I'm quickly overwhelmed. Googled it, and quite a few others are experiencing the same bug. The allied ships just don't show up for some reason.
20 plus hours in, no crashes and the only problem I've seen is that my quest was changed for no apparent reason losing me several seconds of time!
As it is, it's hard to motivate myself to look for things, and I have zero motivation to get to the level 75 systems when I know there will be nothing there but higher level spacers and shit.
What do you mean by level 75 systems? I haven't played it yet and I was wondering what it means. Does each system have a level assigned to it? Is there level scaling in Starfield?
What do you mean by level 75 systems? I haven't played it yet and I was wondering what it means. Does each system have a level assigned to it? Is there level scaling in Starfield?
Yes, systems have a level, although not everything in the system is that exact same number.

Not sure about level-scaling. I haven't noticed it, but I assume it's there in some form since all their games have it.
If it's what I think your talking about it's a hidden questline that ends with said person joining your crew. There not really a companion but can be used as such.

I found that weird that the game has quite a few what I like to call minor companions.

You can hire quite a few in the various New Atlantis bars in the beginning. They have names Instead of what profession and skills they offer to join your crew for credits.
Their not full companions they have no other content once they join.:disappointed:

Just wanted to add some clarification since I didn't mention it in this video. All the companions mentioned above can be recruited, sent to a settlement/ship, and can follow you around. They cannot be romances and do not offer a quest or affinity. They are simply a different walking companion.
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I am aware they're not full companions. I was merely sharing that I found one not mentioned elsewhere.

Not true that they have no content, though. All the named characters I've found have fairly extensive dialogue after they join, and they do comment on locations you go. They just don't have quests.
Hopefully mods can add more fleshed out companions. What a waste of potential.

Thats the story of this game two steps forward one step back.
I'm fine with the companions. They've never factored in much for me in Bethesda's games anyways. There are at least 3 that I like so far. I just wish they talked less or at least waited for me to initiate the conversations without pestering me.
I'm fine with the companions. They've never factored in much for me in Bethesda's games anyways. There are at least 3 that I like so far. I just wish they talked less or at least waited for me to initiate the conversations without pestering me.
I can't believe that internal testing decided that, yes, players will indeed love to be bugged every 15 minutes so they can be handed a fucking leaf.

Other than that, these are the best companions overall that BGS has done. There's been a steady progression from the nothing of their early games to the pack mules of Fallout 3 and vanilla Skyrim, to the chattier companions of Fallout 4, but who still don't have much in the way of quests or direct conversations. The main companions of Starfield have more to say than ever, and at the one companion quest I've done so far was excellent.
I'm fine with the companions. They've never factored in much for me in Bethesda's games anyways. There are at least 3 that I like so far. I just wish they talked less or at least waited for me to initiate the conversations without pestering me.
I always go at it alone in Bethesdas games, so it doesn't bother me either. Sounds like I'm locking myself out from some good quests though.
Some random shots I took...

Sam and I are too cool for school.

Neat trick...

A guy and a robot walk into a bar...stop me if you've heard this one.

I just finished "Into the Unknown" and have to say that was very unexpected and very disappointing. It puts a spin on the game that I do not want. I'd like to pretend that didn't happen but then I can't continue the main story. Who thought it was a good idea to put super powers in a hard(ish) sf setting?
It's a promotional copy from AMD that came with my new video card.

Yeah, I'm almost 20 days later but lemme ask you: which card did you buy? I'm on the fence on getting a 6750XT, I don't know if it's a good card. What would be its nVidia equivalent?

*Sorry for the off-topic question, dear moderators :thumbsup: