Can you use Skype to message me? I'm not in the game ATM, but can log in quickly.
Too bad I didn't note this. I have a level 2 Pally that could have partied with you and helped you out some. Of course, I screwed up that Pally royally, but then I'm surprised I pushed it to level 2; I rarely care for melee types.

Look around for Rachail MacDomhnall when you're on next time. That's my alt on Khyber, though I can't guarantee what class she'll be when you next see her. Maybe Bard or Ranger; or maybe I'll try another Pally.
I created a new Wizzy and joined her as we battled through Misery Peak et al. Now she just has to get Stormreach to download properly and we'll all be ready to party!! :)
Stormreach, as I have discovered, is out of my reach again. I have been told that downloading from Turbine engine will give the Stormreach message I've been getting. It then says try Pando! Balderdash! I've been trying to get their help techs to get that working to no end. I am sadly stuck again.

Somebody out there hates meh. :p
They extended it to 5pm eastern time so it should be up any time now although I just checked and it's not up yet. It's 2:35 my time so they're about 30 minutes late for coming back up online.
There has to be a workaround for this issue. I'm not tech saavy, but could someone just send you the nec files or something?
DDO has 25-30% discount on all adventure packs so it's maybe a good idea to get the low level ones. I used quite a bit of turbine points to get all the low level quests.
I'm willing to give it a go if someone could email me the files. The Pando peeps stopped answering my emails and stopped helping me so it doesn't look good. I will try anything at this point.
I'm not going to be available very much this week, but I'll see what I can do. What is the limit for your emails?
You can use Rapidshare to share big files. Look here:

Upload your file to Rapidshare and send the link to Temptress. Remember that a free account means one has to wait before downloading if the server is busy. Then you try again later. If you have many files in a folder then it's best to ZIP the files to a big one.
DDO files rar to about 2.4 GB. I think that's too much for a free rapidshare; it's not uploading and there was something about a 200MB limit. Any suggestions?
T, what are your thoughts on that? Would take about 2 weeks by SM from Oz to the US, though sometimes the mail surprises me by getting there in a week.
Fine, email it to me and I'll burn and mail out a disc.
I may not be able to talk much this friday, as an FYI. I currently have laryngitis, and thus have no voice to speak of. I'll still be online, just I can't speak right now, and I don't know if I'll be able to by then.
That's OK, Cm does enough talking for all of us!! :)