Unbelievable. That's so naive from that guy, if he really believes something like that.
He's only the chairman of the WEF, and has that Juval Harari as an advisor. So that's good.
He's always talking about how AI will displace most everyone's job and we'll have a class of people, he coined "the useless class".
But he promises they'll use the profits to retrain everyone into becoming useful again. :D
Well... I'm not surprised as I learned decades ago the rich are crazy.

There has been many articles about this issue. 🤷‍♂️
Going by the background wallpaper, it's the usual WEF gathering where big business vampires have at their economic plans for sucking even more value from everything in the world and its resources.
Plus, more recently, planning for the aftermath of what late-stage capitalism will bring over.
On a related note...

If you haven't heard of it yet, one of Noclip's projects is restoring old tapes and drives that contain game press conferences, game trailers, press kits, and such. All the videos are on their archive channel:

You can also see some of them here, plus some press kit software:

Finally, here's what Danny has to say after digitizing 100 videos:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRzbtqur8ts
I've viewed Obnoxious and Anonymous's videos for years, he knows his stuff. He recently posted a video about Sutherland answering a massive series of questions, which was enlightening and I keep tabs on Chrystal Bell as well, his musical muse.