Did the price go up? $35 seems kind of high for this.
Hmmm... since you asked ... yes it did :(
I did a quick search on GG.deals and its price went up today (probably because of the release date).
They must assume only a hardcore set of players care, and they would be willing to buy it right away. Getting anyone else to care was a tall order. Making the price $35 seems like a real mistake. It's really too bad they couldn't create real interest in the brand and bring it back.
I bought this back in September and my total with tax was $32.01. Wizardry is the game that really got me into PC gaming and the series is one of my all-time favorites so even though the price is rather high for the amount of content it was a no brainer for me.
I just noticed the game is event being regularly priced at $39.99 on Xbox and has a launch discount of $5...
Texas taxes the shit out of everything. You think "wow, no State tax, nifty!" until you find out they nickle and dime you to death on sales tax in addition to having among the highest property taxes in the United States. And they still can't keep the power on!
I've been playing for a while - really enjoy it, they did a great job translating it to a controller as well (Steam Deck). This is a game I had for Apple ][ back in the early 80s, haven't played in decades until this.
I've been playing for a while - really enjoy it, they did a great job translating it to a controller as well (Steam Deck). This is a game I had for Apple ][ back in the early 80s, haven't played in decades until this.
How bad is the combat animation speed on the pc? Folks on steam complain that it is quite long and the developer refuse to enable the option to speed it up.
How bad is the combat animation speed on the pc? Folks on steam complain that it is quite long and the developer refuse to enable the option to speed it up.
I don't mind it ... and I'm one of those people who does the speed-up in all of the remasters of Final Fantasy games. Not something I have really noticed much
A serious Retro-Classic remaster. Making those 3D models & animate them must have cost a lot money! They look good as well. UI is nice. Don't like the white icons, but its a design choice. TEXT is large is GOOD!!!

I wish them financial success, because I wanna play this one! Also ratings are good still, so that's also reassuring. (Phew)