Rules on Emote reactions?

Basically a yellow spoiler that you can still click to read.
Just learned of this issue but I'd say the compromise here would be making it so ignoring a user also makes it so their reaction to your post doesn't show and it doesn't notify you that the poster reacted that way.
Oct 23, 2023
This is how I feel too, I'm Team @lackblogger on this issue. I might have emoted to a post of lackbloggers and he might have thought well that's interesting Qayto liked/disliked my post, I'll go see if she's made a post or ask her about it, but my emote is just lost in the wall of pointless emote notifications by Arthurloi.

If it were me being followed around like a bad smell, I might just stop posting. It may seem a trivial thing and people should just suck it up but I can see how it would become irritating. Lackblogger shouts back but others might just go quiet.

I quite like emotes though, a post that has a lot of emotes will draw my eye. I "like" things sometimes to show I have read something, to appreciate the time people are taking to share but I don't want to clutter up the discussion with "Yay, me too". I would like to see a "care" emote, someone might have had a flood or a poorly relative or still be stuck on a character creation screen, and I want them to know I've read it, and I do care.

To be clear, I think just posting negative emotes without explaining why, at least if it keeps happening, is bad manners. It's a too opaque form of communication to guess what it means, unless one knows the other person really well. Explaining why one disagrees is a lot better in my opinion.

I don't think it requires new rules to deal with, however.
Feb 15, 2009
My opinion is that if it's obvious someone is gunning for someone else they should get a warning and if continued long term then banned.
I'm not an admin though ...
I agree that @arthureloi 's behaviour is really shitty and he should get a warning for it.
Dec 26, 2007
Give me a warning as well as he deserves them with his posts and I usually give them as well. See this now becomes a slippery slope were you won't please everyone.^^
Oct 1, 2010
Thanks for the reaction and see it doesn't bother me. Just adds to my count.(y)

Feel free to add another one.

I remember when the old site added agree and disagree buttons. Caused a huge headache for the mods with complaining were we just had a like button.
Oct 1, 2010
Thanks for the reaction and see it doesn't bother me. Just adds to my count.(y)

Feel free to add another one.

I remember when the old site added agree and disagree buttons. Caused a huge headache for the mods with complaining were we just had a like button.
If somebody adds negative reactions to every single post of somebody else and even announces to continue that in the future I consider that harassment.
Dec 26, 2007
Good you do you, now you see why a simple harmless emote is better then posting a reply. Frankly this whole thread is about trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
Oct 1, 2010
Look, the simplest solution is for the aggrieved person to contact an admin and request some action. Posting about it in a thread doesn't mean anything will happen as none of us read every post. I certainly don't pay much attention to emotes, so over-use probably wouldn't register with me.
Aug 31, 2006
Give me a warning as well as he deserves them with his posts and I usually give them as well. See this now becomes a slippery slope were you won't please everyone.^^
To me personally the emotes don't matter much (I think at least), but I would find it good if people wrote sometimes why they react negatively.

You are good at doing that (having called me out once and explaining why, for example), so no shade on you. 🙂

I do however agree with @Qayto that some members might simply stop posting. Of course, some of the normal (nerdy) heated discussion can have the same effect, so it's not emoticons per se.
Feb 15, 2009
To me personally the emotes don't matter much (I think at least), but I would find it good if people wrote sometimes why they react negatively.
I don't think that Arthureloi explaining why he finds Lackblogger's posts deserving of an eyeroll each time would contribute anything whatsoever to the forum, and would in fact likely exacerbate an already touchy situation.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I don't think that Arthureloi explaining why he finds Lackblogger's posts deserving of an eyeroll each time would contribute anything whatsoever to the forum, and would in fact likely exacerbate an already touchy situation.
He doesn't explain because there's nothing to explain, he's literally trolling, in it's purest form.

For example, in the Diablo 4 newsbit thread from earlier this year he negatively emoted all of Sir Jame's posts while positively emoting all of Vaelith's posts. Both these posters in this thread were writing only positive things about Diablo 4. There was nothing written by either that would differentiate the two sets of multiple posts other than who wrote them.

And why does couchpotato put so much effort into defending the troll?

Well, because anyone who knows this site knows couchpotato:

Cold dark rainy nights and trolling forums & social media to piss people off.:cool:
Responding in the thread "what comforts you".

And you can find countless examples of this kind of self admital. He really doesn't hide it.

He used to be an official newsposter, but got sacked, left the site, set up his own website forum, which failed because he wasn't getting enough attention even though several posters followed him there, and then came back. He's still extremely bitter.

And no, I had nothing to do with any of that, that was all in progress before I arrived. I'm just someone who doesn't give him any attention, or, if I do, it's like this, to call out his obvious trolling.
Nov 1, 2014
How about just having 'positive' emotes? + things like 'informative'. I don't see the value in having negative emotes - we did without *any* emotes for years and its a very 'social media' kind of thing. I think if you take issue/wish to contest a post , then you should have to type something rather than relying on a quick (and often visceral) button click.
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
Look, the simplest solution is for the aggrieved person to contact an admin and request some action. Posting about it in a thread doesn't mean anything will happen as none of us read every post. I certainly don't pay much attention to emotes, so over-use probably wouldn't register with me.
Probably you are right that this is better than discussing it here. @lackblogger : Did you already try that?

Edit: However, I just saw that @Taluntain has already announced some action in the sixth post in this thread and this has not helped since @arthureloi has continued his harassment afterwards.
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Dec 26, 2007
I agree with Corwin, this is a matter that should be discussed privately, a thread like this only serves to make all parties look bad.
Oct 23, 2023
Jesus, people, chill out. What a cry baby. I genuinely use those emotes because lackblogger is an obnoxious, arrogant, self aggrandizing shit poster, that's all. Every single post from him reeks, and I was just using a tool the website provides to react negatively to them. I never thought it would cause such ruckus.

Just read what he said about Couch, who contributed for this website for so many years. Dude has no shame.

First world problems, in my opinion. Anyway, I won't send those anymore.
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Apr 11, 2012
Just read what he said about Couch, who contributed for this website for so many years. Dude has no shame.
Yep and what amazes me he still gets support from well known members.

Anyway he is everything you said and more but be careful you might get a warning.
Oct 1, 2010
Voted in the poll but honestly don't see issue with current emoticions.

I've seen posts far worse than roll eye emoji - if some members are allowed to post toxic messages then I don't see why its such a big fuss to just react with roll eye emoji.
Sep 4, 2021
How about just having 'positive' emotes? + things like 'informative'. I don't see the value in having negative emotes - we did without *any* emotes for years and its a very 'social media' kind of thing. I think if you take issue/wish to contest a post , then you should have to type something rather than relying on a quick (and often visceral) button click.
What I find a little bit disturbing is that all things negative receive so much attention ... and all things positive just don't.

I mean ... trolling cnsists entirely on creating negative emotions within people ... which is just fun for the troll ... but people having fun in creating *positive* emotions within people ? Any *real* troll would totally try to hinder THAT !

It's like with ... humour dying out these days. This current "omnicrisis" must be a troll's dream. A troll can rally relish all these negative emotions created by all those negative news ...

Like ... I found that humour in all things computing has totally died out. Yes, in the 90s, I was still buying and actually reading a few humorous books on PCs and on computing in general ... All this has died out. Computing has become an entirely humourless business ...

I'm wondering, because I thought that humour lifts the burden a little bit ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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