So the larger the group the more PC it is to be a bigot towards them? A bigot is a bigot is a bigot. Why don't you use your guy's substitution method on that? Hmmmm. Oh yeah, its perfectly fine to discriminate against white christian males. Hipocrisy must be lost on you. Face it, you just got caught in your own trap. You about ready to gnaw off the leg and run away?
I do not even know if you are serious anymore.
No, I didn't discriminate "white Christian males", which is an accusation that doesn't make sense. I'm a white male myself. Christianity is an
opinion, not a biological unchangeable trait like being homosexual or part of the Jewish race.
You can go ex-Christian over night, not to mention they are a humongous majority compared to the previous two, that have never been oppressed like Christianity itself oppressed homosexuals and Jews throughout the ages.
As for discriminating
Americans, it's generally more accepted to discriminate a 300 million population, especially when it's done in a way that cannot be mistaken for satire. As for making fun of
obesity, as JDR13 pointed out I am not exactly a lightweight myself, and I doubt there were many who took things as seriously as you did.
Having said that, the more you try to justify your
values, the more you seem to lose it. It seems you are searching now, and you search far. This whole "accuse others for what they accuse you for" rhetoric doesn't really help you. "No,
you did it" is childlike argumentation.
Overall it seems you never really spent some serious time on questioning yourself to develop your moral reasoning. Since you haven't you never spent any serious time to really challenge yourself and think on what's right and what's wrong, you have neither stable facts, nor a logical philosophical framework to justify your position. I know how frustrating it can be to defend values that you didn't reason yourself into in the first place.