The End!


November 11, 2008
I guess we all have experienced it, the final boss lay dead by our feet, the game sum up what happen next followed by a cg movie, then the credit. You sit back whit a feeling that you just have witness something special, a feeling of thrill, but also a little sad, as a great game, that have been part of your life the last month, had final had it conclusion, and you miss it already. Yes you can restart all over, but you know it wont be the same. All you like to do, is sit back and let it all soak in.

It was the perfect game, whit the perfect ending.

I guess we all have experienced it, you have been dragged through a game fore over 100 hours, sure the first 50 hours was great, the next 25 not so much, and the last 25 was a pain, but you kept going, you had come so far, the ending was so near, and you want to see it. Then it final happen you get slapped in the face, whit the most lousy ending you have ever seen.

It was a bad game, whit a bad ending.

I guess we all have experienced it, you are playing a gem of a game, it’s just brilliant, and you have played it fore more that 100 hours an so, and it have been a blast all the way through. You defeat the last boss, and now wait for a great conclusion for a great game.. But it don’t happen, the developer give you one of the most disappointing ending you have ever witness, the sense of betrayal is breath taking.

It was a great game, whit a bad ending.


Lets talk about endings, what is yours favourite ending in a RPG? What was the most disappointing? Lets hear about it, but keep it spoiler free (hidden), so you don’t ruin a ending for someone :)

Mine best ending in the last couple of years was The Witcher, I had not seen it coming, in the last screen all came together and made perfect sense, I was awestruck. And then they followed up whit a great CG ending, but that was not needed fore me, “No.. That sword are for monsters” did it all :)

A Bad game whit bad ending? Fallout 3 for me! Great game the first 20 hours, but became repensive after that point, and the ending was just a slap in the face.

A good game whit bad ending? Well that has to be Mask of the Betrayer, the whole game had lead up to one conclusion for me, just so im forced to betray all I had fighted fore in the end, just dandy.. :(
Nov 11, 2008
Good topic!

Worst ending for me was UFO:Extraterrestrials. Great game that faithfully (as in copyright infringing faithfully) recreated the joy that was XCom. You battle thru an epic gauntlet of a final mission (after countless hours to get there in the first place) and kill Foozle and you get a boring 10 second movie with 3 lines of text.
And if you think about it, they don't show your squad getting off the mother ship before it goes boom, so I guess the reward for making it thru hundreds of battles and finally killing the alien brain is getting turned into space dust. Oh, yippee.
Roll credits. I don't normally get overly emotional about game endings, good or bad, but that one pissed me off.

Like I said, I don't get all that wild about endings, but I always did like the ending of Civ2, with the guillotine and the way it walked you thru the progress of the game you just won.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
PS:T has my fav ending by a good margin. Well, the endings.

I'd also like to mention Divinity 2 - very interesting ending. How good it turns out will actually depend on how we get to continue in the add-on (or in Div 3 if we don't get all the answers in the add-on).
Oct 18, 2006
My memory gets a little fuzzy about game details after a few months, but I do remember just absolutely hating the ending of NWN2 (pre-MOTB.) It seemed contrived and artificial and meant solely to set up the expansion. A game that wavered between good and great, with a dumb ending.

AFA a bad game with a good ending, haven't run across one because if it's that bad I usually don't end up finishing it, but The Chosen, an arpg, was a kind of draggy at times, flawed game with a pretty good wrap-up and mildly original ending.

My entries for great game/great ending would be The Witcher also, and the original Gothic, along with Planescape:Torment. In all of these examples it was hard to let the game go, but the ending made it tolerable.

Interesting topic for discussion and it's hard to find one that hasn't been posted before. Nice work.
Oct 18, 2006
Impossible for me to choose a favorite ending, there's simply been too many.

A lot of game endings from Bioware rate highly with me, I thought Baldur's Gate, PS:T, and Dragon Age all had very good endings.

The Witcher had a great ending.

Half-Life had a very memorable ending, probably my favorite for a shooter.

F.E.A.R. was another shooter with an excellent ending.

The original Metroid on the NES is one of my old time favorites.

Good game with a bad ending = all of the Gothic games.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Ultima IV has really great ending, but I had to vote Planescape Torment too. Plus there is amazing music during credits! :)

Bioware's game also have really nice ending, like Baldur's Gate 1 has exactly ending like Phonix described at the start, the good one. Gothics on the otherhand didn't that special endings...

Best non-RPG ending that I can quickly think is in Max Payne 2, it's so bittersweet. And again, the song also was great. Poets of the Fall - Late Goodbye
Mar 9, 2009
Well, at the moment I can only name my "perfect game with a perfect ending".

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Truly epic.

Random quote from the youtube comments I can agree with:
LucRavenwing said:
This has to be the best ending sequence of any video game ever made. Excellent music, great cinematics, gives conclusion to all the characters, beautiful end credits and even tallies your score at the end! This was the first video game I ever beat and this scene always resonates with my heart!!!
Aug 30, 2006
Bad endings!! There are just so many. Torn between Div2 and F3 right now.
Aug 31, 2006
It was the perfect game, with the perfect ending.
Gothic 1 & 2, Half-Life, Max Payne

It was a bad game, with a bad ending.
I don't play bad games long enough to see the ending.

It was a great game, with a bad ending.
Last edited:
Oct 21, 2006
the Netherlands
@Arhu: Great game! Just hearing that music again brings back a lot of memories.

I've finished every Zelda game for consoles, and they all had good endings as far as I can remember. A Link to the Past and Twilight Princess are my favorites.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Probably my fovorite ending of all time is the one from LOOM.

Also, I know I really enjoyed the end of Outcast, although my actual memories about it are Hazy.
Edit: found it on youtube: (better turn sound off)
Looks cheesy now, but it had an impact on me at the time.

Enjoyed the Witcher ending too.

While I thought the endgame battle and dialogue of Morrowind was poor, I enjoyed the subtlety of emerging from the dungeon to a starry nighttime sky, the blight gone. No cheering crowds, just nature itself acknowledging my victory.
Oct 18, 2006
Favourite ending is DAO , although i hated the game i loved that my character ended up dead, just once for a change.

Worst Ending is from Sacred 1 , playing the vampiress and investing almost all my CAs to the summoned wolf was a bad idea , the stupid animal one bite/killed the final boss :(
Jun 22, 2009
Athens (the original one)
+1 for the Witcher's ending. It has to be one of the rare times when a 'big revelation' twist worked so well for me.

The ending I liked the least recently is the one from Risen (and I even liked the last two chapters)

If I include non RPGs then my least favorite ending is probably the one of Dreamfall TLJ. Not because it was bad - it was as good as the rest of the game - but that was not an ending it was a 'to be continued' (and with no sequel in sight)... I was never more annoyed to watch a game's ending sequence.
Sep 18, 2009
Yep, the only end that can come in my mind and make a difference is from Witcher.

Though my favourite end come from silent hill some many years ago (i think it was from the very first games with multiple endings), when i finished it for the first time. I managed to do the very bad ending and i was like "what??"
Oct 4, 2007
Favourite endings are : PS:T & BG2

Worst ending for me was DA:A…. it left me hanging really bad.
Planescape: Torment´s ending is the best and alone in its league.

Gothic 2´s ending is a prime example of a great game with bad ending. The final boss couldn´t be any more lame than that and the whole last chapter sequence was a missed opportunity given the set up.

Bad ending for a bad game? Can´t think of any, probably because once I consider the game I´m playing to be bad, I loose the motivation to finish it.

A good game whit bad ending? Well that has to be Mask of the Betrayer, the whole game had lead up to one conclusion for me, just so im forced to betray all I had fighted fore in the end, just dandy.. :(

The game had quite a few different endings, depending on how you played the game. The whole endgame scenario wasn´t really that exciting and felt a bit rushed in execution, but especially the ending for evil mofos couldn´t be more satisfying and badass than that imo.
I guess if you´ve played a good guy and missed a part of the mask, the ending could understandably leave a lot to be desired though.
Apr 4, 2008
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