What games are you playing now?

L.A. Noire - and I like the atmosphere ... but as a game it's pretty repetitive and completely on rails. The suspect interview mini game (central to the "gameplay") is retarded. "No-one had a motive for killing my wife" (truth?/doubt?/lie?) - correct answer = lie - evidence = rope on his boat. WTF? Spend 3 cases KNOWING I was sending the wrong man (and this was painfully obvious) to the gas chamber because there was no option to release. Great interactive movie, flawed game.
Feb 28, 2011
For some mad reason, I've picked up Dungeon Lords MMXII despite failing to get anywhere with the Collectors Edition a year or two back. I don't know if a thiefy class is viable, but that is what I'm going with. First impressions are that it looks significantly better than before, but the crucial thing will be if I run into any game stopping bugs. Turning down respawns to the lowest level but playing on hard, hopefully that will provide a trade off between nos and difficulty of encounters.
Aug 12, 2007
Just started a play through of the witcher series I haven't played 2 seriously yet as I was waiting for all the content to be released and then I was too busy.

Should be safe to play through now.

I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed the witcher 1 combat, although I'm sure I'm in the minority there.
Starting a coop System Shock 2 session with my brother and two friends today.

Should be a blast from the past ;)
I didn't know it was possible to do 4-person co-op in SS2. Is the game still challenging with that many people?

It's been a LOOOOONG time since I played it cooperatively, so I'm not certain.

IIRC, you don't actually get 4x resources - so you have to share what's available.

Also, there are mods out there that tweak the difficulty and make everything harder - like the SecMod.

We're going to spend an hour or two installing/testing mods first - so I'll report back tomorrow about the experience.

We bought the Steam version of SS2 - which includes the latest unofficial patch (the one that makes it fully functional in all resolutions and operating systems, etc.) - so now is a good time to try it again :)
I've been a bit unfocused gamingwise lately, mostly playing timewasters like pinball or Terraria or creating chaos in Saints Row 4. I just restarted Psychonauts, which is reminding me why I don't like 3D platformers in spite of the good bits. With Halloween coming up, I might run through Vampire Bloodlines again if nothing else grabs my attention.
Jul 3, 2011
Well I'm a bit behind schedule, but I'm finally ready to start my playthrough of Mass Effect 3. I replayed the final level of ME2 as well as the Arrival DLC this week. I almost forgot how lame the endgame for ME2 was. :)

Anyways, I'm wondering what difficulty I should play ME3 on. I played ME2 on Veteran, but I've seen it said that ME3's normal difficulty is equal to Veteran in the earlier games. Can anyone confirm or deny that?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Well I'm a bit behind schedule, but I'm finally ready to start my playthrough of Mass Effect 3. I replayed the final level of ME2 as well as the Arrival DLC this week. I almost forgot how lame the endgame for ME2 was. :)

Anyways, I'm wondering what difficulty I should play ME3 on. I played ME2 on Veteran, but I've seen it said that ME3's normal difficulty is equal to Veteran in the earlier games. Can anyone confirm or deny that?

All I can tell you is that I hated the game on Veteran - as it felt like 90% fighting and difficulty is basically about how long it'll take to grind your way through.

YMMV, obviously.
I'm circling between a few games at the moment, and I can't seem to focus on one for long.

I'd say my "primary" game has been SWtOR for a few months. I don't play all that much - more like an hour or two 3-4 times pr. week, but it seems I've finally decided that I'm quite fond of the game. I've been going back and forth between "meh" and "cool" since release, but it's the first time I've been enjoying it for so long without actually tiring of it.

I find that the "ideal" way to enjoy it is to leave the class story quests and just steadily level up through normal quests/PvP/flashpoints/bounties and whatever. That way, you can get to max level at a decent pace - and you'll be able to enjoy the core story without interruption, which I think works much better than doing a class quest - wait until you're level appropriate - and then the next class quest. It breaks up the flow. I actually plan to go through all the classes like this, though I don't know if I can keep my enthusiasm.

Since I'm in Star Wars - I was inspired to play KotOR again, and I started playing on my iPad. It's actually a pretty good port once you get used to the awkward controls - but I decided that PC is obviously the way I really wanted to play.

As I'm running Windows 8.1 - I ran into quite a bit of trouble getting it to run. I had to spend a few days messing around with various versions - until I decided to buy it again on Steam (probably my third copy). That version works fine as long as you disable full screen and run it in a window. That's not ideal - but still far better than playing it on an iPad.

It goes without saying that the game is still fantastic.

Finally, I'm playing System Shock 2 again with the SecMod (2.8).

Which reminds me that I promised to report back on my multiplayer experience.

Well, the sad part is that it wasn't stable enough. It was crashing all the time - and it might have been due to the mods or it might have been due to us being 4 players. Supposedly, the game is very unstable with more than 3 players - but I can't be sure.

The good part is that we did manage to play it for an hour or two at one point - and it was utterly fantastic. I LOVE this game in multiplayer - because you don't get to share resources. In MP - the game is set to "impossible" and it's really, really hard. Every decision you make is critical - and you NEED your buddies to support with whatever skillset they have. Just fantastic.

But we had to give it up in the end :(

So I'm playing it solo - and I've restarted a couple of times. On Impossible - it's just too hard for me solo. You miss out on 70% of the loot - and the SecMod patch makes even the first zombie/hybrids very tough because they're much faster.

So, I've started a new game on Normal - and I'll bump it to Hard if it feels too easy. It certainly doesn't at this point, though.

I'm playing with 5-6 graphical mods - mostly texture and model upgrades - and it's actually looking quite good. Ok, not 2013 good - but fantastic for a 1999 game.

SS2 rocks!
Borrowed Halo 4 from my neighbor and am playing the campaign. Pretty decent so far but level design could be better in what I've seen so far.
Just a very early impression, but I like Mass Effect 3 a lot more than ME2 so far. Combat feels more fluid, and the visuals are a significant improvement imo. I didn't like the overly dark color palette in the previous game, and ME3 reminds me of the first game more than ME2. The enemy AI seems improved as well.

That said, ME1 is still my favorite.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
ME2: annoying planetary minigame, mako removed so no more bouncing fun :(
ME3: mako didn't return, but at least planetary minigame got sorted out

That said... Obviously ME1 is my favorite too.
Apr 12, 2009
Did you take a good look at the running animations during the introduction - when you were jumping on roofs and what not? ;)

I thought ME3 looked pretty bad - expecially the textures. Maybe I was too harsh, though.
Actually, I do recall the running animations being a complaint when the game was first released. Perhaps it was addressed in a patch? I haven't noticed anything that really stood out, although I wouldn't say it's particularly good.

As far as the textures in general, I think the game looks great. At least as good as the dated Unreal 3 engine will allow, and certainly better than ME2. I've been mildly impressed by some of the set pieces so far, and that never happened in the previous game.

Time to go play...
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Actually, I do recall the running animations being a complaint when the game was first released. Perhaps it was addressed in a patch? I haven't noticed anything that really stood out, although I wouldn't say it's particularly good

Dunno… It wasn't fixed when I played it 6 months ago or so.

As far as the textures in general, I think the game looks great. At least as good as the dated Unreal 3 engine will allow, and certainly better than ME2. I've been mildly impressed by some of the set pieces so far, and that never happened in the previous game.

Time to go play…

I seem to recall the uniform/armor textures being particularly bad.

But, truth be told - beyond the awkward animations and crappy textures during the introduction - the game pretty much looks like ME2.

I thought most of the areas in ME2 looked pretty good, actually.

My problem was never the atmosphere - it's the shooting to RPGing ratio.
Dunno… It wasn't fixed when I played it 6 months ago or so.

Yeah, I think I know what you're referring to now. I assume you're talking about how Shepard is slightly hunched over when you sprint. I think it looks a bit odd but I don't consider it a big deal tbh. I'm more annoyed by not being able to holster my weapon during missions.

I seem to recall the uniform/armor textures being particularly bad.

But, truth be told - beyond the awkward animations and crappy textures during the introduction - the game pretty much looks like ME2.

I thought most of the areas in ME2 looked pretty good, actually.

We'll simply agree to disagree.

My problem was never the atmosphere - it's the shooting to RPGing ratio.

Yeah, it's not much of an RPG, but then it never has been. Even the first game still played like more of a shooter than anything. I agree that it got much worse in that aspect since ME1 though.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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