DA:I Dragon Age: Inquisition gameplay trailer

Dragon Age: Inquisition
Erm… It asks you to login (age check).

What's wrong with all those publishers?
Put a bloody huge warning it's not for minors and leave me alone. And why I have to put my age to enter a site about some game? Warn me and if it's not for me, I'll say buhbye.
I hate when I have to log in somewhere just because it may disturb some spoiled brats. I don't care for someone else's kids, let their parents deal with them.
Apr 12, 2009
You can watch it when it's embedded in a page without the age check (linking to Kotaku article with the trailer in it)

They updated the official website too (right now it seems to only work in IE though). Looks like the Arcane Warrior is sort of back as a spec (although called Knight Enchanter).
Oct 13, 2007
Was angry so didn't notice the end.
Preorder now to receive the flames of inquisition pack.

Really? Okay, let's check:
Great. No my country, no EU, nada. Only GB. I use euros not pounds sterling!
Okay, whatever, let's check on Origin then.

System requirements… Win7 or higher. And that's it. Um… I installed win7 on 512Mb machine, you sure it'll work on it?

Ooh, it's digital deluxe that contains flames of inquisition, not the standard edition!
So for 70€ I get the game plus:
• Skyhold Throne – Every ruler should sit in a place of high honor, but as the Inquisitor you will have the greatest of all, fashioned from an ancient dragon skull.

• Red Hart Halla – Traverse the perilous, living world atop this great-horned beast.

• Bog Unicorn – Once belonging to an evil marauder, this unique mount has returned to inspire fear into those who would oppose you.

• Bring the world of Thedas wherever you go with the Dragon Age: Inquisition digital soundtrack

• Bonus digital content – To be announced

The Digital Deluxe Edition also includes the mighty Flames of the Inquisition gear!

• Multi-class Weapons: Smite your enemies with the Flames of the Inquisition weapons arsenal. Whether staff or daggers, greatsword or war hammer, these weapons will make short work of your foes.

• Inquisitor Armor: Protect yourself against the onslaught of enemy attacks by suiting up in the Flames of the Inquisition Armor.

• Armored Mount: Flames of the Inquisition gear also includes a valiant steed, complete with its own set of Inquisition Armor forged from the flames of battle.
I'm so excited.
In some other life and some other universe and only after a severe lobotomy.

Will I preorder. No.
What's the point of preordering the standard edition? I don't see it.
Deluxe edition? Sorry, but if that not yet revealed content is a documentary of EA offices, I don't want not only to watch it, but there is no way I'd pay a single cent for it.

Dunno what to say.
I'll wait for the release and impressions from watchers about the game. About the whole thing of course. For the same reason as someone's comment on youtube:
I'm expecting a red, blue or green ending…

Anyway guys… Don't forget to log in and register for beta here:
Dragon Age Keep is an application that allows players to tailor decisions made in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II and import them into a new game of Dragon Age: Inquisition.
You will be able to create decisions from previous games if you don't have a savegame. I don't. And for some odd reason, while I could replay DA:O any day, DA2… Geez… It's an effort even to think about.

More info on the "gadget":


Man… Seems I can't stop thinking about this…
If you have DA:O on Steam like I do, you can use the game key from Steam also on Origin in case you didn't know. Seems DA:I is Origin exclusive, this "keep" app is linked to Origin so I've added it just in case.
Doesn't mean I'll buy DA:I in the end, but better to be prepared.
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Apr 12, 2009
Dunno what to say.
I'll wait for the release and impressions from watchers about the game. About the whole thing of course. For the same reason as someone's comment on youtube:
I'm expecting a red, blue or green ending…

It's the Space Jesus thing I think (aka Last Supper companion scene, now you can start to wonder who Judas is among the 12 characters in there).
Oct 13, 2007

Yea… But it's not new, ME2 also had 12 playable sidekicks. Although the rumor is DA:I has playable 9 and 3 nonplayable "advisors". ;)
Apr 12, 2009
It's not really a rumor. The game has 9 companions, that was mentioned in the official website since last year. Cullen, Leliana and the dark skinned lady on the far right are not companions (no weapons).

I'm not sure if they are advisors though. That would mean that a crappy leak full of errors lore wise was right.
Oct 13, 2007
Once upon a time, I had such high hopes for Dragon Age, following its development for years. Then EA bought out Bioware and I still had hope, despite it being tempered by caution. Then DA:O came out and I felt, "ok, this is a boring, cliche` game - but there's potential in the setting! Perhaps in the sequel, they'll flesh things out and get creative."

And then everything went to hell and, along with it, my optimism for both Bioware and the creation of a new D&D'esque franchise.

In other words, wake me up if the game ever becomes exemplary enough that I can forestall my misgivings (not to mention using Origin).
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Looks better than the previous trailer, but the gameplay looks like an action fest.
God... that helm looks so dorky... I don't really like the sound of it at the moment. Yeah the combat still look more like DA2 and just in general that trailer rubs in wrong way.
Not sure what the deal is with hating on the trailer. It's just a trailer so they aren't going to get into details. It's still got the good old pause-on-space combat system by the look of it. If you want action then turn the difficulty down and don't hit space much. If you want something more turn based, crank the difficulty up and pause every few seconds to tell each character exactly what to do. The spells look familiar, too.

There's a battle from a demo show on YouTube here: http://youtu.be/80frogBXfNY?t=7m27s
Note the lack of lots of enemies jumping in multiple times during the fight. This is not DA2 style combat for sure! To me, it looks like Bioware style combat that's finally gotten completely out of isometric mode. It looks like it set for low difficulty to keep the action-minded console crowd happy but that was in DA:O as well.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
falling asleep, it's late and a school night…

But i did pick up about halfway thru on one thing partially obscured by my haze: fully in control of all the members of your party equipment, which is a big step in the right direction as far as companions go.

mage raining down fire at roughly 24:00 to end the combat gave me a partial erection

this is a good thing. G'night before i pass out on the keyboard
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
mage raining down fire at roughly 24:00 to end the combat gave me a partial erection
Of course it's just a detail, but I like it how the crates catch fire while the mage casts the spell.
May 6, 2013
Heh, whining about a trailer being action oriented. Come on, when was ever a trailer representative of the actual game? Even in the 90s the trailers had nothing to do with the game, just check out the Planescape: Torment trailer:

Hardly a lot of tactical combat and conversations there eh?
Oct 18, 2006
For those interested, some more webshops listed it as a preorder possibility, so besides Origin, your options are:
Game Stop: http://www.gamestop.com/xbox-one/games/dragon-age-inquisition-deluxe-edition/114772#reviews
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Age-In...67512&sr=1-17&keywords=dragon+age+inquisition
Game: http://www.game.co.uk/en/dragon-age...Size=20&categoryIdentifier=722605&catGroupId=

While it's confirmed by Mark Darrah from Bioware that deluxe version is basically collector's edition (and I love the all digital movement), another edition will also be offered called Uber/Inquisitor's Edition. It's still unknown what's that one about, but it could be a version with physical goodies.
If you plan to preorder this game, I suggest waiting a while to see what's this third edition about, maybe it's more desirable than deluxe version.

I've mentioned the keep utility above to upload saves from previous DA games and set the world for DA:I, which is a browser app. While on PC it'll be no brainer, ppl keep asking questions what and how it'll work exactly with console DA:O and DA2 saves, so far there is no official answer.
Apr 12, 2009
Heh, whining about a trailer being action oriented. Come on, when was ever a trailer representative of the actual game? Even in the 90s the trailers had nothing to do with the game, just check out the Planescape: Torment trailer:

Hardly a lot of tactical combat and conversations there eh?

I'm talking about the trailer - not the game.

Once the game is out, I'll talk about the game.
I've mentioned the keep utility above to upload saves from previous DA games and set the world for DA:I, which is a browser app. While on PC it'll be no brainer, ppl keep asking questions what and how it'll work exactly with console DA:O and DA2 saves, so far there is no official answer.

Consoles will probably have to manually recreate the world states. I know I'm not going to bother with loading existing saves even if I'm on PC.

I see the Keep as an official and improved version of Gibbed DAO save generator. I use it all the time to create world state for DA2 despite replaying DAO.
Oct 13, 2007
If you plan to preorder this game, I suggest waiting a while to see...
...if you come to your senses! I liked DA2 a lot more than most around here, I love the look of the new graphics, and one of the characters seems to be a twin of a character I've been playing for getting on towards two decades now. Yet there's no way in Hades that I'm going to pre-order! The chances of it being a lemon are still too high.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Pre-order on this game is an absolute 'no' from me. Once burnt...
Doesn't mean I won't get it later, just on sale, after patches, and ultimate edition so I don't feel nickle and dimed to death by DLC.
Aug 13, 2013
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