Not sure that the title of this thread should be

You must know that this is Roqua. He has been with us, on and off for quite some time. Taking him serious is a mistake.

And to answer the footnotes for me personal. Yes Roqua entertains me and who are those 'we' you are talking about.

There are guidelines in the FAQ. They suffice for our moderators, in combination with my request for 'laid back' moderation, to determine a cause of action.
Aug 30, 2006
I see. Psychologically, this is known as Codex Envy. :biggrin:
Nov 8, 2014

I for one did not know that this is Roqua. Come to that I don't know who Roqua is and why that makes it ok. I accept that your way of dealing with him is to not take him seriously.

I have looked at the "latest" two threads being discussed and I did not find them entertaining. I also did not find them offensive but with a lifetime of experience I have seen and read a lot worse. I can also see why some-one with (young) children would find them offensive.

I accept the criticism of the "we" comment. It is probably more the "few" that can be bothered to get a little upset. I was not suggesting that we codify any standards - it would take years for any one to agree them - just that they do exist in a blurry way.

I still stand by my 2nd paragraph unless I get further data that shows that it is wrong to do so.

Dec 2, 2006

I for one did not know that this is Roqua. Come to that I don't know who Roqua is and why that makes it ok. I accept that your way of dealing with him is to not take him seriously.

I have looked at the "latest" two threads being discussed and I did not find them entertaining. I also did not find them offensive but with a lifetime of experience I have seen and read a lot worse. I can also see why some-one with (young) children would find them offensive.

I accept the criticism of the "we" comment. It is probably more the "few" that can be bothered to get a little upset. I was not suggesting that we codify any standards - it would take years for any one to agree them - just that they do exist in a blurry way.

I still stand by my 2nd paragraph unless I get further data that shows that it is wrong to do so.


I think "we" is a perfectly reasonable word to use when talking about the community at large - it doesn't make sense to infer that you presume to speak for everyone.

I'm sure you're right that very few people are actually upset by this nonsense. I suspect that a ggod deal more of us just don't want to see this kind of stuff taking up a significant proportion of posts, because it will change the nature of this site, when there are plenty of other sites that cater for it. And the more it is encouraged, the more it is likely to attract.
Nov 8, 2014
My 'we' comment was in the context of 'standards that we agree on'. So I was just wondering who the 'we' are that need to agree on those standards.

There are bound to be people who don't like it. I guess there are perhaps even more who don't care and can't be bothered to react on it. Only a subset of active RPGWatch visitors are providing their opinion here. Hardly a 'we' in the context of defining standards.

A few of the moderators toyed with the idea to have a forum named 'The Pit' that would be used to dump things like this in and several threads from P&R that are not political nor religious. It would not be visible on the front page and not visible to unregistered users.
Come to think of it, the moderators are probably the closest thing that comes to a 'we' to set any standards for these forums.
Aug 30, 2006
My 'we' comment was in the context of 'standards that we agree on'. So I was just wondering who the 'we' are that need to agree on those standards.

Well, I think that the standards of the community are defined by the whole community, not just those invested with the buttons of power. Ultimately, the moderators have a part to play, but without a lively community making interesting contributions, they are moderating a whole lot of nothing.

You may take the view that ordinary members have no say in these matters, and in one sense you may be right. But in the end, it is the wider community that determines the standard of what goes on here - and the people that choose to contribute actively are going to be affected by what they see going on around them.
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Nov 8, 2014
He isn't banned here so he still has a place to go to :)

Thank you for not being a hate-mongering infantile. Your kind words are much appreciated. I apologize for any heartache, headaches, or hassle I have or will now cause you or the other normal staff at RPG Watch. I appreciate all of your hard work day in and day out. You are good and decent people and I'm sorry the puritans hate me so much and that causes issues for you.

Just to clarify things – this puritanical witch hunt is over me using the word pervert in the title of one of my posts.

I just thought of something – why would I peacefully leave a place where I am under constant assault from extremely stupid, close-minded, intolerant, hate-mongers? All I have ever tried to do is bring laughter to the few, and what do I get for it? Personally assaulted by dimwitted nincompoops. I can forgive pretty much anything but stupid people really get to me. If any of you intolerant fucking idiots had at least an intellect of around average it wouldn’t bother me - but you are so fucking stupid it literally hurts my brain. So I will not go gentle into that good night. Please remember you brought this on yourselves.

Celticfrost – first off, I am completely against people bringing other people’s kids into arguments. It has no place in civilized discourse. It is surprising someone would use their children as the reason for their hate-mongering too. Since you started it and since when stupid, small minded, hate-mongers paint someone as a monster that person has reason to become a monster I shall be a monster and make an exception to my rule in your case.
No one wants to molest your retarded kids. It’s a scientific fact only normal kids get molested. Even sexual perverts deranged enough to be attracted to children are repulsed by droopy-eyed down syndromey children like yours. I assure you, your kids are completely safe from sexual predators and you can rest easy knowing it is not something you are they need to worry about.
If I ever am unlucky enough to run into a stupid fuckface like you in real life I’d probably kick your fucking teeth through the back of your head and piss on your face while laughing. And then give you a wedgey and a wet-willy for good measure. Second off, you’re a huge fucking pussy, intolerant hate-monger, and a true and unrepentant idiot far too stupid to even understand just how stupid you are. Fuck you, fuck your kids, fuck anyone stupid enough to have babies with you, fuck your mother, and fuck her mother, and fuck your 18 generations. I say good day to you, sir.

Pibbur who – I know who…Pibbur who’s a fucking idiot and extremely weird. Didn’t you claim to be a Medical Doctor? Sure, I guess if your country has no requirements or standards, such as forming complete sentences or knowing things. “Pibbur will now shake a shrunken head at you and chases the evil spirits away!” I hope you get AIDS and die of pneumonia you close-minded judgmental fuck. You are just like a duck billed platypus – you are not only extremely weird, but you are also confusing and unnecessary.

Ripper – Your analogy was amazing. Your intellectual prowess is staggering. Also, of course you were a bartender - most know-it-all dickheads are (or were). It takes a special sort of asshole to want to think they are important while pretending they are in charge of a bunch of drunken idiots and apply for and accept a bartender job. But that doesn’t mean I’m not proud of you, because I am. Damn proud. I also have an analogy to share. When I was President of the Universe there was someone with the personality of a bartender…yadda yadda yadda...and then I fucked his face holes. Do you know who finds you amusing? No one, you dour piece of shit. Please commit suicide as the word needs less party-pooping philistine sycophants.

Well, I guess this is goodbye. You guys have fun being intolerant, self-righteous, close-minded hate mongers and I shall try to have fun being banned. I’m officially taking my toys and going home. If Dhruin ever shows back up will someone please tell him I said congratulations on the marriage and that I said to say hello and was chased away by a bunch of hate-mongering raving maniacs. That would just be swell and thank you. Also, goodbye to the few I have brought joy to. You made it all worthwhile. Thank you for not being close minded, humorless, self-righteous, assfaced, hate-mongers. TTFN.

Post Script: This felt really good and I thank you all for the chance to get some of this shit that has been bothering me off my chest. I really, really appreciate it. Such a relief! I feel like I am in a Calgon commercial. I hope there are some good responses that cut me deep by the intolerant intellectuals here that hate anyone trying to be colorful, and I’m sorry I won’t be checking back for them. That does not mean you shouldn’t try real hard though.

I found an article that explains why you guys are so vengeful and hateful
Feb 16, 2009
I stand corrected. Nothing like a bit of harmless fun.

EDIT: Come on - someone take this down before Celtic has to see it.
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Nov 8, 2014
I stand corrected. Nothing like a bit of harmless fun.

EDIT: Come on - someone take this down before Celtic has to see it.

Saw it he can always as where I live if he wanted to sit down and talk about this sort of subject face to face.

Other than that what can be said.
Apr 2, 2011
Thank you for not being a hate-mongering infantile. Your kind words are much appreciated. I apologize for any heartache, headaches, or hassle I have or will now cause you or the other normal staff at RPG Watch. I appreciate all of your hard work day in and day out. You are good and decent people and I'm sorry the puritans hate me so much and that causes issues for you.

Just to clarify things – this puritanical witch hunt is over me using the word pervert in the title of one of my posts.

I just thought of something – why would I peacefully leave a place where I am under constant assault from extremely stupid, close-minded, intolerant, hate-mongers? All I have ever tried to do is bring laughter to the few, and what do I get for it? Personally assaulted by dimwitted nincompoops. I can forgive pretty much anything but stupid people really get to me. If any of you intolerant fucking idiots had at least an intellect of around average it wouldn’t bother me - but you are so fucking stupid it literally hurts my brain. So I will not go gentle into that good night. Please remember you brought this on yourselves.

Celticfrost – first off, I am completely against people bringing other people’s kids into arguments. It has no place in civilized discourse. It is surprising someone would use their children as the reason for their hate-mongering too. Since you started it and since when stupid, small minded, hate-mongers paint someone as a monster that person has reason to become a monster I shall be a monster and make an exception to my rule in your case.
No one wants to molest your retarded kids. It’s a scientific fact only normal kids get molested. Even sexual perverts deranged enough to be attracted to children are repulsed by droopy-eyed down syndromey children like yours. I assure you, your kids are completely safe from sexual predators and you can rest easy knowing it is not something you are they need to worry about.
If I ever am unlucky enough to run into a stupid fuckface like you in real life I’d probably kick your fucking teeth through the back of your head and piss on your face while laughing. And then give you a wedgey and a wet-willy for good measure. Second off, you’re a huge fucking pussy, intolerant hate-monger, and a true and unrepentant idiot far too stupid to even understand just how stupid you are. Fuck you, fuck your kids, fuck anyone stupid enough to have babies with you, fuck your mother, and fuck her mother, and fuck your 18 generations. I say good day to you, sir.

Pibbur who – I know who…Pibbur who’s a fucking idiot and extremely weird. Didn’t you claim to be a Medical Doctor? Sure, I guess if your country has no requirements or standards, such as forming complete sentences or knowing things. “Pibbur will now shake a shrunken head at you and chases the evil spirits away!” I hope you get AIDS and die of pneumonia you close-minded judgmental fuck. You are just like a duck billed platypus – you are not only extremely weird, but you are also confusing and unnecessary.

Ripper – Your analogy was amazing. Your intellectual prowess is staggering. Also, of course you were a bartender - most know-it-all dickheads are (or were). It takes a special sort of asshole to want to think they are important while pretending they are in charge of a bunch of drunken idiots and apply for and accept a bartender job. But that doesn’t mean I’m not proud of you, because I am. Damn proud. I also have an analogy to share. When I was President of the Universe there was someone with the personality of a bartender…yadda yadda yadda…and then I fucked his face holes. Do you know who finds you amusing? No one, you dour piece of shit. Please commit suicide as the word needs less party-pooping philistine sycophants.

Well, I guess this is goodbye. You guys have fun being intolerant, self-righteous, close-minded hate mongers and I shall try to have fun being banned. I’m officially taking my toys and going home. If Dhruin ever shows back up will someone please tell him I said congratulations on the marriage and that I said to say hello and was chased away by a bunch of hate-mongering raving maniacs. That would just be swell and thank you. Also, goodbye to the few I have brought joy to. You made it all worthwhile. Thank you for not being close minded, humorless, self-righteous, assfaced, hate-mongers. TTFN.

Post Script: This felt really good and I thank you all for the chance to get some of this shit that has been bothering me off my chest. I really, really appreciate it. Such a relief! I feel like I am in a Calgon commercial. I hope there are some good responses that cut me deep by the intolerant intellectuals here that hate anyone trying to be colorful, and I’m sorry I won’t be checking back for them. That does not mean you shouldn’t try real hard though.

I found an article that explains why you guys are so vengeful and hateful

Well said indeed.
Apr 2, 2011
Well unrestigered, if you wanted to banned, you could have just ask me. No need to go through all that.
As celticfrost felt the best thing to do is to duplicate it a few times I assume he wants it not to be deleted, but to keep it for eternity. Odd choice, but I guess the 'we' have spoken.
Aug 30, 2006
Well unrestigered, if you wanted to banned, you could have just ask me. No need to go through all that.
As celticfrost felt the best thing to do is to duplicate it a few times I assume he wants it not to be deleted, but to keep it for eternity. Odd choice, but I guess the 'we' have spoken.

What a petulant and unfair response.
Nov 8, 2014
What a petulant and unfair response.
I assume you mean my reaction on replicating Unrestigered post twice and not banning him.
I have a different history with Roqua/unrestigered than you have and know how he behaves. But regardless of how disturbing you feel he was up to now, he did not break the rules. The titles were uncalled for, so those were changed last week. He posted this specifically to lash out and make sure he was breaking the rules and be banned as I don't think it was funny nor entertaining what he posted.
Celticfrost decided that he has some beef with me and posted it also in the RPGWatch sub-forum and PM in the way he did.
So I let him do that. He wants everybody to see it and how he views me with respect to this, so I give him the platform to do that. In doing that I think it would have been better for him to decide to not replicate the comments towards others in unrestigered post, but he chose not to do that.

The normal chain of events is that unrestigered is banned and his post removed or at the very least edited. From the reaction of celticfrost I assume he wants to make sure everybody at RPGWatch gets to see what I caused or let happen. So, I think he has made that choice for me to rather not perform the second part of that normal chain of events.

You may feel my reaction is childish, but for me it isn't.

Edit: Just noticed Celticfrost deleted all his messages in this thread, except for the last two.
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Aug 30, 2006
I assume you mean my reaction on replicating Unrestigered post twice and not banning him.
I have a different history with Roqua/unrestigered than you have and know how he behaves. But regardless of how disturbing you feel he was up to now, he did not break the rules. The titles were uncalled for, so those were changed last week. He posted this specifically to lash out and make sure he was breaking the rules and be banned as I don't think it was funny nor entertaining what he posted.
Celticfrost decided that he has some beef with me and posted it also in the RPGWatch sub-forum and PM in the way he did.
So I let him do that. He wants everybody to see it and how he views me with respect to this, so I give him the platform to do that. In doing that I think it would have been better for him to decide to not replicate the comments towards others in unrestigered post, but he chose not to do that.

The normal chain of events is that unrestigered is banned and his post removed or at the very least edited. From the reaction of celticfrost I assume he wants to make sure everybody at RPGWatch gets to see what I caused or let happen. So, I think he has made that choice for me to rather not perform the second part of that normal chain of events.

You may feel my reaction is childish, but for me it isn't.

Edit: Just noticed Celticfrost deleted all his messages in this thread, except for the last two.

Feel free to delete everything I have ever posted here for all care this morning. I have yet to have a coffee so might be a little more pissed that normal.

Though you are 100% correct and me never wanting his post to be removed. I never attacked him personal, never used his user ID as far as I can remember never commented once with quotes on any of his threads.

I was simply asking a question if this was the sort of site where we need those sort of shock value titles.

It was you that had said you found the guy entertaining, you were the pointed him out by name not me. Though I know there were others he attacked his post I am sure my children that don't even post here took the brunt of it.

If you think I went to far by posting it twice and starting a thread asking you if that is entertaining and PMing you. Then I did, what more do you want to say.

Do you think you see it because you are more evolved? I know a lot of females are being born that can see more colors than others. We also have the wisdom teeth people. Maybe visual cortexes are evolving?

I have low special intelligence, do you think that is why? Have you ever taken an IQ test and do you know what your special intelligence is? My wife has high spatial intelligence and she was able to see a difference, but she is mad at me because I made myself breakfast like four hours before she got up so she wouldn't go into details.

I asked my kids and they see a difference (they also think the 15 is going father than the 30 which is going father than the 60).

They did point out and explain to me and I slightly saw the stuttering of the 30 going down. But I had to really, really look and focus hard to get it.

Is quote from the person in question where he brought his family into a conversation and I don't remember going off on his family. Maybe I am not entertaining enough for this site.
Apr 2, 2011
Censors've got to censor. If censors do not censor, they are not censors.
(So, I think )he has made that choice for me ( to rather not perform the second part of that normal chain of events)

How? What choice by the way?

The banishment decision is the moderation's decision. The moderation decided.

The lesson in this story is that the moderation represented some posters and decided to go their way.

Personal attacks do not get people banned on this site. Posters indulge themselves in personal attacks, they are not banned.
Posters exposing other posters writing personal attacks do not get those other posters banned.

What get posters banned is the moderation's decision to ban posters.

So what is that choice? How?
Mar 29, 2011
So many large walls of texts that I will never read! But you should really start a blog for all this stuff instead. I'm sure there's many Internet zombies out there who would love to obsess over your daily problems!
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
So many large walls of texts that I will never read! But you should really start a blog for all this stuff instead. I'm sure there's many Internet zombies out there who would love to obsess over your daily problems!

Zombies? Well for God's sake don't reanimate this corpse!
Nov 8, 2014
I just wanted to say my piece as a long time lurker (going back to RPGDot). This sight is a great sight for RPG news. I think this sight is no longer a place for good discussion on RPGs or anything else. It is like pleasantville. All the color and life has been sucked out of it.

Celticfrost is right that he did not mention Rogua by name, but that is just pure cowardice. He was clealry attacking him. And then everyone else jumps on the bandwagon. He clealry used his children as the reason why he was attacking Rogua, and then used another post from Rogua that wasn't attacking anyone to show how he didn't attack Rogua's children.

Rogua specialisizes in attacking people who attack him. He is very good at it. There are a lot of sayings about biting off more than you can chew, don't poke a bear or a hornet nest.

I honstly have a hard time understanding how anyone hear can believe that the having pervert in a title is a big deal. The news section covers games that have sex in them and are f-this and f-that right in the videos. I don't see anyone saying this sight should only cover games for kids, and I would never let me kids go on a sight covering mature rpgs since they are so bad like the Witcher. I only play them when they are asleep.

Rogua since the biggining has always been entertaining. He is very smart. He is one of the few people who can actually make me laugh out loud. He has a strange taste in games and how people should play them I'm not sure if he really thinks or not. And all his posts are worth reading. He is like my favorite online show. I hope you people realie he completely won in this exchange. None of you did. He did.

I can follow him at RPGCodex now but he is better here I think. That sight has a million people who think they are funny but are not close, and he has to be different there than here.

I don't think I'm the only person who was happy he was posting again and got a lot of laughs from him. And I don't think I'm the only person who dislikes this sight turning into a pleasantville sight where it is okay to attack people sideways because you don't like what they have to say. This sight used to clealt be the better of RPGCodex, but now it is just a better news sight and there isn't any good discussion sights anymore.
Oct 7, 2015
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