Dragon Age 4 - Top 10 Suggestions

Well I can link you to ten other sites if it pleases you. They assumed Kassandra was the main choice of gamers, and was proved wrong in the end. Irony at its best.

Also this explains the other problems with Ubisoft developers.


Yet I get it none of you have heard the saying get woke go broke. It's alright most on this site don't care anyway. I'll keep caring though when developers push SJW agendas.

Update: TLDR shove your political correct nonsense where the sun don't shine.:biggrin:
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Oct 1, 2010
Well I can link you to ten other sites if it pleases you. They assumed Kassandra was the main choice of gamers, and was proved wrong in the end. Irony at its best.

Also this explains the other problems with Ubisoft developers.


Yet I get it none of you have heard the saying get woke go broke. It's alright most on this site don't care anyway. I'll keep caring though when developers push SJW agendas.

Update: TLDR shove your political correct nonsense where the sun don't shine.:biggrin:

So what you’re saying is i shouldn’t learn history from video games? I’m shocked.:biggrin:

Next you’re going to tell me that call of duty isn’t historically accurate or that GTA isn’t an exact representation of urban lifestyle.
Alright moving on as I don't care about forum debates.:biggrin:

What area do you all think DA:4 will take part in?

My money is on the Tevinter Imperium this time.
Oct 1, 2010
I have only one suggestion for Bioware regarding Dragon Age 4: Make an RPG, not a janky multiplayer action game. Since they probably won't take it, I'm probably not interested.
Nov 30, 2009
Yet I get it none of you have heard the saying get woke go broke. It's alright most on this site don't care anyway. I'll keep caring though when developers push SJW agendas.

Update: TLDR shove your political correct nonsense where the sun don't shine.:biggrin:
I don't think any of the big players try to push political or social agendas in their video games. There's just one agenda, and that's generating revenue.
They themselves may be pushed by (social) media to include certain aspects where ignoring would mean a decrease in revenue.
May 6, 2013
I don't think any of the big players try to push political or social agendas in their video games. There's just one agenda, and that's generating revenue.
They themselves may be pushed by (social) media to include certain aspects where ignoring would mean a decrease in revenue.
I was going to post a huge rebuttal but it's not worth it. As you and others like minded like you will never understand. Even if I posted hundreds of links, charts, and videos.

Get Woke Go Broke.
Get Woke, Go Broke is a phrase coined by the internationally bestselling author John Ringo to express the opinion that when organizations "get woke" to politically correct actions, those same actions usually result in a massive loss of income.


1.When the creators of Battlefield 5 decided to add SJW agenda to their game, a massive amount of hate and disloyalty came back to them, including many gamers threatening not to buy the game. Sales tanked and so did EA's stock price.

2.When Disney started pleasing the left media for their new SW movies, they received backlash from their actual fans and viewers, who are the reason why the franchise is so successful in the first place.
I'm done here good night everyone.:sleep:
Oct 1, 2010
Dunno how "woke" DA4 is going to be, but I can't say that DA3 bothered me in that regard. Probably because a) I don't care enough to notice that kind of stuff and b) the atrocious combat and level scaling were far too distracting. And yes, the Inquisition reminded me more of a pony farm rather than a badass military organization, but hey, that's Bioware writing for you.
Dec 3, 2008
I didn't enjoy the combat in DA4 - it was very fast, but I seemed to do very little damage with most attacks, and ended up spamming this or that ability and grinding away. I vastly preferred DA:O for this part. I wish they'd do something more akin to DA:O in terms of mechanics, but with a somewhat larger world to explore. And not endless fetch quests.
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
I don't think any of the big players try to push political or social agendas in their video games. There's just one agenda, and that's generating revenue.
They themselves may be pushed by (social) media to include certain aspects where ignoring would mean a decrease in revenue.
It's designers/writers that push the SJW agenda in games. They wouldn't normally be particularly obsessed with how much revenue the game makes, it doesn't change anything for them, they're on salary or hourly pay, they don't get a % of the revenue or profits. The suits (owners and/or shareholders, boards of directors, CEOs, etc) who do care about the revenue or profits don't usually micromanage game writing to the degree where they would encourage or discourage SJW content. Not to mention that discouraging SJW content these days, if people find out, is a good way to get yourself publicly strung up by the "SJW community" who can be quite loud and hysterical when they want to be.

If you don't see what's going on with the injection of SJW into many games these days, then that's fine, it probably means the SJW stuff isn't something that bothers you to begin with, much like abharsair a couple posts up. But that doesn't mean it isn't going on.
Sep 26, 2007
When Disney started pleasing the left media for their new SW movies, they received backlash from their actual fans and viewers, who are the reason why the franchise is so successful in the first place.

Great one. One rebuttal was that Jedi appeared as concerned by justice. When the original saga was largely inspired by chilvarous romance.

Nothing new here, same reaction as per players who cant bear a game about exploration is about exploration. They cant accept the original material and wish to change, claiming revisionism.
Mar 29, 2011
Give us an awesome button. Something you use, every once and then in combat, one for each class, extravagant, stylish as fuck, that "extra flair".
Main character can even yell meantime: This is aweeeesome!

Going to be hard for Bioware to top the awesome button as designed by CDR Projekt. Players do not even have to watch the screen for it to work.
Mar 29, 2011
Pretty simple to me. Don't cut corners, don't release something that should still be in beta, don't release the game on an engine that only 1/2 the population can play on their pcs.
Mar 6, 2016
don't release the game on an engine that only 1/2 the population can play on their pcs.

Sorry, disagree with that last one.

I'm tired of having games created for the lowest common denominator. Whether thats console or PC. We shouldnt be supporting Win ME, 1Gb Ram, and ATI 9700 video cards any more.
Aug 13, 2013
Almost all AAA games fall into that category though. Gimped for consoles and their 5-10 years out of date hardware. Nobody's pushing the leading edge anymore like they used to. The only reason we even need high-end GPUs these days is for 4K resolution and/or 144Hz. If you're still using 1920x1080 60Hz there's not much reason to even care.
Sep 26, 2007
To me the SJW stuff seems a bit like the old 3D glasses technology. At first the producers went all out to focus on the technology, making stuff seem to leap out of the screen in 3D. Eventually they settled down and just focused on the story. I think the same thing happened here: the game builders went all out to focus on how they were addressing SJW issues. Unfortunately some people found this disturbing, kind of like accidentally walking into a gay bar. They (the producers) just need to settle down and let it be an organic part of the tale. Let the player take the lead on whether they want a gay romance or prefer a straight relationship.
Mar 22, 2012
...get woke go broke.

Go broke as in, the fastest selling AC and selling far more than Origins?

I'd say a lot of companies would like that kind of getting woke. And who cares if they were surprised how many people played male vs. female? They sold more games this way.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
Unfortunately some people found this disturbing, kind of like accidentally walking into a gay bar.

Who cares about delicate flowers who are "disturbed" by such minor things? They'd be the same ones 50 years ago getting "disturbed" by Kirk kissing Uhura.

When NBC executives learned of the kiss (between Kirk and Uhura) they became concerned it would anger TV stations in the Deep South.[9] Earlier in 1968, NBC had expressed similar concern over a musical sequence in a Petula Clark special in which she touched Harry Belafonte's arm, a moment cited as the first occasion of direct physical contact on American television between a man and woman of different races.


Those disturbed people can go fuck themselves. History moves on and leaves delicate little small brained losers in the dust.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
Unfortunately some people found this disturbing, kind of like accidentally walking into a gay bar.

Who cares about delicate flowers who are "disturbed" by such minor things? They'd be the same ones 50 years ago getting "disturbed" by Kirk kissing Uhura.

Those disturbed people can go fuck themselves. History moves on and leaves delicate little small brained losers in the dust.

You realize the irony of this statement. You live in a world where people lose their minds over a book plot spoiler, demand a resignation for a percieved slight, get all sjw over an incorrect term or perception. News companies covering morons quitting their 'injust' job and then suing. FFS the whole outrage over cultural appropriation fits this idiocy. The world is actively bowing and encouraging all these delicate flowers every day.

In fact the ONLY type of outrage that isnt endorsed or encouraged is anyone that has a moral problem. Because fuck morals right? Vilify those ancient relics that think there should be a standard. We live in a world where anything goes, don't impose your moral shit on anyone.
Aug 13, 2013
I've never seen so much speculation about something no one knows a thing about, yet. Are people really that bored?

Keep using the internet, this is a drop in an ocean. You'll see plenty more. Have you heard a little speculation for the past 3 years on something called brexit? Billions of experts apparently if you stay on the net :)
Aug 13, 2013
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