DA:O or Greedfall?

Should I replay DA:O or Greedfall?

  • DA:O

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • Greedfall

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Tyranny

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters


September 4, 2021
I'm in a mood of replaying one of these two.

I enjoyed DA:O a lot when it was first released but replay attempts have not gone well in the past.

Greedfall I rushed through because I got tired of backtracking and can hardly remember faction and companion stories.

I am still interested in Greedfall 2 so thinking whether I should give it another go. But I enjoyed DA:O more back in the days so tossing between the two.
Sep 4, 2021
I found DA:O relatively good, but then, as I realized how grim it really was - and the more grim it became - my interest quickly faded.
What I hated mot was that lonesome boy ghost within these "elven" tunnels - and, in my personal "headcanon", the female ghost attacking the party was his mother, which was that I concluded for myself that Bioware denied us players a family reunion. And that was it. I never played the game again.

I absolutly hate "plot devices". Once I find such a thing, the game is done for me.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I haven't played Greedfall. I almost did, a couple of times, but the reviews I saw held me back.

You probably won't need to replay Greedfall if you want to play Greedfall 2, and it sounds like it's your only reason for doing it. I'd say DA:O, even if you couldn't replay it in the past (why, by the way?).
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
If you didn't enjoy Greedfall for those reasons, I doubt you would enjoy it more on a replay.

Maybe just play the prologue of both games and see which one grabs you the most.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Enjoyed both games, DAO though was a much bigger beast and I've not really come close to replaying as I have 250 hours on it already. Under a hundred on Greedfall and I think I got OP about half way through so enjoyed the later story more.
Both very good games IMO
Feb 18, 2015
I've played and replayed Dragon Age: Origins a number of times, and never has it disappointed. Try a different path than previously played and you'll get some new content.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I found Greedfall to be boring / tedious. Having to replay it would feel like getting sentenced to rpg prison lol. But I have zero interest in playing Greedfall 2. DA:O is an all time fav for me. But I didn’t like the sequels, and I have no idea if the newest one coming out would have any meaningful storyline connection to DA:O. My two cents :)
Nov 22, 2014
I've played and replayed Dragon Age: Origins a number of times, and never has it disappointed. Try a different path than previously played and you'll get some new content.
This is a great point. Good replay value with different origin stories if you haven’t tried them all. They are all well written, and I remember thinking a couple were particularly brilliant. lol I’m kind of getting nostalgic about this game and wanting replay!
Nov 22, 2014
DA:O is the much better RPG, with higher replay value. I enjoy Greedfall as an ARPG with a neat setting, but it was very grindy.
Nov 4, 2006
Easy do what I am doing and replay Dragons Dogma, assuming you've played it. :D

Honestly, though of the 2 games it's no contest at all for me personally. DAO is one of my favorites of all time, played through it many times. (I highly recommend the skip the fade mod unless you somehow enjoyed the fade)

Greedfall OTH never grabbed me and I gave it up rather quickly. If you finished it and didn't really care for it I'm not sure why you'd want to or if you could complete it again. Greedfall 2, I thought was a prequel so you shouldn't need to play 1 again for it imo.
Oct 5, 2021
It would help to know why DA:O replay attempts did go well. DA:O is certainly the more variable game, so imo a better candidate to replay.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Seems like Watch prefers DAO vastly over Greedfall.

As for why I couldn't replay it - simple: got bored. First couple of attemps I went as far as deep roads then lost interest - in my subsequent playthroughs, I started to lose interest faster - the latest attempt I've given up straight after Ostagar.

I did play all different origins stories which I found by far the strong point of the game. After that, all down hill for me.

I had few mods installed too - IIRC skip the fade, break locks etc.

I finished the game initially as human noble warrior. Went quite far as human mage in my 2nd run. After that, I tried dalish elf archer and gave up at Brecillian forest. Cant remember much afrer these runs becauses the runs didnt last long enough.

edit: I see 3 votes for Greedfall on poll yet I don't see anyone recommending it over DAO in comment section lol
Last edited:
Sep 4, 2021
Just alternative suggestion that is middle-ground:
Mars: War Logs (by Spiders too, excellent story, companions, short but pre-defined character to play, which is well done in my opinion).
Dragon Age 2: well written, great companions and personal story, many choices and consequences, great combat (imo), but some repetitive environmental assets.
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
Easy do what I am doing and replay Dragons Dogma, assuming you've played it. :D
I did play Dragon's Dogma and didn't enjoy it due to terrible console UI & respawns. I'd rather wait for DD2 to hit and try that out instead ;)

Mars: War Logs (by Spiders too, excellent story, companions, short but pre-defined character to play, which is well done in my opinion).
Dragon Age 2: well written, great companions and personal story, many choices and consequences, great combat (imo), but some repetitive environmental assets.
I tend to dislike playing set protagonist - especially male character. I can't RP male.

Played DA2 and hated it. I won't go over all the reasons why I hated it but one of the reasons is that I hate the games that tries to pull heartstrings with characters with predefined relationships. Like they tried to make me feel sad and guilty over my mother and brother/sister but I didn't really care for them much at all.

Greedfall does something similar with Constantin and Kurt in a way too, and I hated babysitting Constantin.
Sep 4, 2021
Played DA2 and hated it. I won't go over all the reasons why I hated it but one of the reasons is that I hate the games that tries to pull heartstrings with characters with predefined relationships. Like they tried to make me feel sad and guilty over my mother and brother/sister but I didn't really care for them much at all.
You hit the nail in the head as they say. I think this is Bioware's attempt to do something different and more personal (in addition to raising other topics like slavery, politics, social divisions ..etc.), which felt different from DA:O and saving the world.
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
Thrown in Tyranny into voting poll - please re-vote
Sep 4, 2021
Seems like Watch prefers DAO vastly over Greedfall.

As for why I couldn't replay it - simple: got bored. First couple of attemps I went as far as deep roads then lost interest - in my subsequent playthroughs, I started to lose interest faster - the latest attempt I've given up straight after Ostagar.

I did play all different origins stories which I found by far the strong point of the game. After that, all down hill for me.

I had few mods installed too - IIRC skip the fade, break locks etc.

I finished the game initially as human noble warrior. Went quite far as human mage in my 2nd run. After that, I tried dalish elf archer and gave up at Brecillian forest. Cant remember much afrer these runs becauses the runs didnt last long enough.

edit: I see 3 votes for Greedfall on poll yet I don't see anyone recommending it over DAO in comment section lol
Well, after reading all that, I certainly don't think you should bother with DA:O again, haha. Seems whatever enjoyment you can have from that game is thoroughly milked already. You didn't mention if you'd played Awakening, though. That at least is something different.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
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