What I've Been Watching: The Catch-All Film Thread

The Night House

Stars the excellent Rebecca Hall, Sarah Goldberg showing she has non-comedic chops, and a greying Vondie Curtis-Hall.
Same director as the excellent The Ritual and the not-as-good but better-than-I thought-it-would be Hellraiser reboot.
The plot kept me guessing for most of the movie, though I thought it became obvious what was going on well before the protagonist worked it out. As things go, that was pretty good. With few exceptions (e.g., Barbarian) I don't often fail to guess what's going on in modern horror fare.
The antagonist is shown with some clever uses of negative space (you'll have to watch it to see what I mean), so it's a bit unfortunate that a moe mundane representation is used in the climactic scenes.
Still, overall, this was pretty good.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tshycci2ZA
I like The Ritual and the Hellraiser reboot. I should get on this.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I like The Ritual and the Hellraiser reboot. I should get on this.
It's currently streaming on Disney+. Unless you want to sail the seas, of course. Arrrr
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
I watched Rebel Moon 2: The Scargiver on Netflix. It's much the same as the first although I would say the action is a bit more exciting this time around. The story and characters are still the weakest point but this time at least the characters have the backstory from the first movie so they are not quite so paper thin. It still has excessive use of slo-mo sequences. The quality of the special effects are as good as the first one.

It very likely there will be a part 3 based on Mr Snyders Twitter and the fact that there are still some loose ends in the story.

I think I scored the original a 6/10 and I would score this one a 6.5/10. It's a forgettable movie but you likely won't regret the time spent watching it.
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Oct 18, 2006
I watched Rebel Moon 2: The Scargiver on Netflix. It's much the same as the first although I would say the action is a bit more exciting this time around. The story and characters are still the weakest point but this time at least the characters have the backstory from the first movie so they are not quite so paper thin. It still has excessive use of slo-mo sequences. The quality of the special effects are as good as the first one.

It very likely there will be a part 3 based on Mr Snyders Twitter and the fact that there are still some loose ends in the story.

I think I scored the original a 6/10 and I would score this one a 6.5/10. It's a forgettable movie but you likely won't regret the time spent watching it.
And it's not like there are enough space operas being made, especially big budget ones, where fans can skip these. I thought they were well worth watching just to scratch an itch that can seldom be scratched by something remotely new. I have hope for the director's cuts too. My biggest gripe was it seemed like the actors phoned in their performances, though part 2 was a little better in this regard.
Sep 27, 2022
I didn't really care for the first Rebel Moon, though I'm planning to watch the second either tonight or tomorrow evening. Unless my NHL mates let me down, if that happens I'm storming the porch with loud jams!
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I watched Dune - Part 2. It was solid. But hearing everybody rave about it kind of made me go in with probably unrealistic expectations.
Or maybe it's the fact that I liked Part 1 almost as much as I seem to like Part 2, whereas I hear a lot of people didn't appreciate Part 1 as much, and so were considerably more impressed with Part 2.
Whereas I am fairly equal between the two.

Maybe my one issue with it is it feels really crammed. Like a lot of important things happened in the span of 2 and a half hours.
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Jul 31, 2007
Maybe my one issue with it is it feels really crammed. Like a lot of important things happened in the span of 2 and a half hours.
I felt the same, yet the film still managed to make the rhythm feel relaxed. There are a few jumps in time where I could swear they cut off a part to keep the movie under 3 hours, though (like when Paul has to spend some time in the desert to be admitted by the Fremen).

I liked both equally too.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Come to think of it, if I mentally go across it, it's definitely got a lot of impressive parts. I particularly liked the arena moment. The color-grading and all made it look really cool.
But then again Part 1 also has a few of those cool moments. Like the gutural chants of the Sardaukar?
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Jul 31, 2007
Just on a whim I rewatched most of Oblivion, the Tom Cruise movie I remembered liking but pretty much forgot everything it was about.
I can sort of see why I forgot. It's decent. It looks good. The idea and the plot twist is serviceable. But it also has something, forgettable about it.
Jul 31, 2007
Same feeling here about Oblivion - the name was well-chosen. ;)

In the post-apocalyptic genre, I think I prefer Edge of Tomorrow. By the way, it looks like a sequel could be on the way (ref).

Anyway, I watched Alien again, after a loooong time. The horror part is still as impressive, but the technology in that film is completely outdated and laughable. I'll watch Prometheus and Covenant next (I know, my timeline is all messed up).
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
I liked Oblivion more than you guys apparently did. It's one of the very few movies with Tom Cruise that I actually enjoyed, as I think he's really overrated in general. I liked the plot twist and the way it ended.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I liked Oblivion more than you guys apparently did. It's one of the very few movies with Tom Cruise that I actually enjoyed, as I think he's really overrated in general. I liked the plot twist and the way it ended.
Don't get me wrong, I also liked it; but it's also somehow forgettable.
I wouldn't be surprised to see it again in 5-10 years and have forgot most about it again.

To be fair, I also noticed that as I'm getting older (close to 40 now), I'm starting to have memory issues.
Whereas 10-20 years ago I could've sworn I remember everything I saw, and just seeing a few frames from a movie I could hands-down swear whether I saw it or not;
Nowadays though, I constantly seem to forget movie parts.
Jul 31, 2007
Don't get me wrong, I also liked it; but it's also somehow forgettable.
I wouldn't be surprised to see it again in 5-10 years and have forgot most about it again.
I thought it was memorable enough. Movies are very subjective though. I found Top Gun forgettable, but most people seem to think it's great for some reason.

The only popular Tom Cruise film that I like and agree with most people about is Interview with the Vampire.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I thought it was memorable enough. Movies are very subjective though. I found Top Gun forgettable, but most people seem to think it's great for some reason.

The only popular Tom Cruise film that I like and agree with most people about is Interview with the Vampire.
Rain Man is by far my favourite film with Tom Cruise and one of my top films in general.

I think that most of the other films are more action-focused, so they're forgettable or not depending on the viewer. I like aviation so Top Gun was memorable. Interview with a Vampire must be another exception, but I haven't seen it entirely (I watched it with someone too sensitive and we had to leave...).
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Not really just because of Tom Cruise, but my most favorite movies with him are probably: Magnolia and Eyes Wide Shut.
I like a lot of his other movies, but those are more pop-corn flicks. Enjoyable but not too impressive.

I finished Sound of Metal. A real work of art. I haven't seen such a solid drama in a long time. Very subtle and smart as well.
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Jul 31, 2007
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