What games are you playing now?

Well... I'm on a low period when it comes to games. As allways (when I have internet) I play a Warcraft 3 custom game called Defend of the Aichents (more famous as DotA. It's proablly bigger than ordinary WC3 nowadays), and have done so for about two and a half year. It's quite fun, you play vs other player, and the gameplay is both simple and deep at the same time. A DotA-match usually takes around one hour, and it's good "relaxing" (not that much createive thinking involved, it's like playing football (soccer for you americans) apart from the fact that you don't get tired). Casual gameing at it's best. I allso have a few friends I play regulary with, but it seems they're all on vacation away from their computers...

But apart from that I don't play much for the moment. I dabble some with Football (yup, soccer) Manager 2007, but it takes too long to come somewhere IMO (around 24 hours to play one season :-/). But I DO like playing some with it, even though I never get somewhere. Major timeconsumer if you think about it (not that I do...).

I allso reinstalled Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (yes, I like soccer. Not good at playing it though...) two days ago to have something to play with my best friend (who's allso into soccer). Vs real players it's quite fun, even though most goals comes thanks to leaks in the game more than acual skill from the players (well, you've spent some time practising exploiting, since you can't score in any other way). Vs the computer it's annoying though, because of the lousy AI, and some balancingproblems. The problem is that you still play it... Last time I had to uninstall it and delete the savefiles (no, it's way too flawed for me to buy it) just to stop play it. Will try to keep it to PvP only. :rolleyes:

Then it's the current RPG (aka the game you play when you want to do something above passing the time) which is Baldur's Gate 2 (with a kensai/mage, with more levels in kensai than in mage, so he doesn't remember that he's one of forgotten realms best hammerfighers (yeah, that makes sence!)). I've come to spellhold, and I just wanted to check some minor part online. Problem was that our internet was down, and I didn't want to go further before I'd checked that thing online (in case I missed out on something once I left), so I put it on hold for about a week. And now I've completelly lost momentum. So for the last few days I've played DotA and PES6. Which is kind of slow.

Jul 11, 2007

I decided that I aint going 360, therefore I grabbed Overlord for pc today and played the hell out of it all day. I love it, I think it's one of the most unique games that Ive played in a long time. I'm also really suprised how well it runs on my moderately powerful 3.4 ghz 2GB ram 7600 GT setup.

beautiful game, funny as hell at times (love the minions jumping into the forge), I couldnt ask for more. Sometimes the minion control can be a bit sketchy and lead to some unnecessary deaths, but there's like a million more of the little suckers waiting to give their lives for me so it's all good in the end.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I've been interested in Overlord because i like the idea of rts/rpg mix a lot. But I'm wondering...how evil to you have to be to enjoy this game? Do you have to do really repellant nasty things, or is it more or less just an RTS type power grab with the minion twist? I find it almost impossible to be successfully evil in most RPGs but this game looks really interesting.
Oct 18, 2006
First of all there really isn't any RTS elements in the game at all. Yes, you do upgrade your tower but that is more a means to new minion types, spells and statistics upgrades (health, mana and minion control limit).

Second of all you can choose the full corruption path, which as the name implies means you're not a nice guy at all, or you can choose a zero corruption path which means you're not really evil at all even though your minion master seems to think so ;)

The most nasty thing I can think of that I've done so far is rid the country side of annoying frolicking sheepies but they had it coming I tells ya, they had it COMING!!! :paranoid:
Oct 19, 2006
Just outside of Copenhagen
it's comic evil.
You just live in a scary tower, wear scary armor, and have scary minions. You can kill villagers and ransack their homes if you want, but it's something that's totally your choice. So far, I'm just doing quests for them and stuff, it seems a benefit to be a nice guy. For now ='.'=
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Sounds like fun. :) I can handle a little evil. I'm an adult, sort of...

I thought it had a little RTS, but that was cuz I read the pr game description. Thanks for the info, guys.
Oct 18, 2006
oo, in this promotion video they show how they tie up a poor lady and go wild with a big halberd..... maybe that is just that PR ?
Oct 25, 2006
let us see somewhere on the official website. I can't remmember exactly where.. it also start with having you put a frog in the blender :D
Oct 25, 2006
Gothic 2 :)
and some Dawn of War dark crusade
Nov 6, 2006
With the new expansion coming next week, I reinstalled Civilization IV and the Warlords expansion and am playing that ... total sweetness as always.

On the PSP I have to play Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ... wow is it technically crappy! It could be decent, as you get some freedom to roam Hogwarts. But the spell system and movement are so awfully done it is torturous ... and the frame rate is really bad as well.

The DS is now on Brothers in Arms DS, which is surprisingly good and pretty decent graphically as well!
Oct 18, 2006
i saw some of you are playing Fate and wondered if it was free because i went to their website and it was a download section... is that the game there? thanks

as for games... not much going on... waiting for my new rig while playing some games like Rome Total War... and other games
Jan 10, 2007
thanks! I'll try the demo and maybe i'll buy the game
Jan 10, 2007
Still playing Overlord, 'bout halfway thru I guess. There's some minion grinding youll have to do to get some of the better armors, I keep returning to defeated areas and wiping out sheep/fire&poison bugs/dodo birds/frogs etc for minions. I'm killing a lot of them off in battle as well, I was almost getting afraid tht I'd run out mid-adventure!

I ended up sticking with Rose as my mistress, since she boosts your brown and blue minions.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Since I couldn't get my Ultimas to run, I'm trying the EOB Trilogy again.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I just bought a game pack which includes (all?) three splinter cell games. Spilnter cell, spilnter cell pandora tomorrow and spilnter cell the chaos theory. and it only cost me 15 euros :). These are all new games to me. I haven't played any splinter cell game before so I don't excatly what i'm going to see. I tried the the first SC yesterday abit and the gameplay felt really neat, hopefully the storyline is as good.
Oct 19, 2006
thanks! I'll try the demo and maybe i'll buy the game

You may want to check out Mythos as well. It's by the same developer (now bought up by Flagship Studios), but it's a free MMORPG. You can sign up for the beta still (I think?). Took about a week or so before I got my invite. Only played a few hours, but it's pretty good for what it is, and for being free.
Oct 18, 2006
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