might and magic

  1. L

    Arakion Early Access Launches!

    Arakion Early Access Launched! Check it out on Steam! Enjoy dungeon crawlers like Grimrock? Journey into Arakion, where classic dungeon crawling meets world-building, crafting, deep customization, and more! Begin your epic tale to uncover the mysteries of a broken world! As a thank you for...
  2. T

    Ultra-old school Android/iPhone: Oubliette

    I mostly lurk around here, but some of you chaps might know me from a few other sites. Briefly breaking my silence to support a mobile Android/iPhone game I found, one that is basically languishing unloved. Basically it's a remake of a really old RPG called Oubliette, a game that pre-dates...
  3. M

    Might and Magic VI is up on Gog

    Might and Magic VI which includes the first five might and magic games is up on Good Old Games. I am downloading it as I write. I hope it is good.
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