wave of darkness

  1. Iggy_Dreamatrix

    The new, huge Wave of Darkness update is live + release date

    Hey all It's Igor from Dreamatrix Game Studios. We have just released the biggest update for Wave of Darkness yet, and have announced the release date (out of Early Access). Also, we have mentioned RPGWatch in the text for the update, and you'll see why :-) It's quite a long read, but we...
  2. Iggy_Dreamatrix

    Legends of Dawn Reborn

    Hi all! Guess who's back :-) I have a rather exciting news to share with you. And I apologize for the following wall of text, but please bear with me :-P In the manner of TotalBiscuit (keep fighting that damn illness, man!), we are asking a simple question: WTF is… Legends of Dawn Reborn...
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