Dragon Age 2 - Interview @ NowGamer


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Dragon Age 2 lead designer Mike Laidlaw has been interviewed at NowGamer in a decent article. Most of it covers existing ground but here's a snippet on Rivalries, following on from a question on morality:
Can you give us any examples of how this system may be reflected in Dragon Age II?
The Dragon Age games have never been about global decisions, but good decisions. Morality has always been kept deliberately on a grey level, and it’s all about how other people react to the choices you make. So for Dragon Age II, we looked at the other characters in your party and we said to ourselves, ‘you know, it always seems kind of odd that there was a win condition.’
You can be friends with them or they would get pissed off and leave. Now we’ve got a system called ‘rivalry’ in which, in addition to being friends, its now an open choice for you to build up a consistent rivalry with someone and to tell them that no, it’s their moral compass that is not correct and that you can actually have a real interaction around that rather than just them getting angry and storming off. They will still do that, but it’s not like a lose condition like it was in Origins.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
One part I had not heard about either (and I follow all of these) was the last paragraph, which mentioned the glowing arms from the trailer - and what they were (in a fashion).

Your Dragon Age II reveal trailer ended with something that seemed very Fade-like, very ethereal as well. You know the moment where Hawke is fighting a darkspawn and he summons two big arms to appear and rip his enemy in half? Could you give us an insight into what was going on there?

If you remember those moments in Origins where your character would leap up in slow-mo and perform some fantastic kills. I always thought this was cool but a little unfair because mages never got to do this as well. I mean sure, mages have cool spells but they never got to blow up large enemies from the inside out. So what you saw in the trailer was a mage finishing move, you know, tearing apart large creatures with large arcane force.
Jun 4, 2008
Interesting. Yesterday ? had thought : "What, if a combattant would throw a bomb into the mouth of a screaming ogre ?" You know, that kind of Ogre that Duncan killed.
These Ogres would just step back and begin to scream - like a gorilla, cliché-like.

If one was intelligent enough to use just this tiny moment (aka "tiny time-window") to throw a fire-bomb into the widely-opened mouth of that monster … wow. It would explode from the inside.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Hurm, after having watched another leaked vid from the game, I still think DA2 just looks shitty. *shrug*
Aug 24, 2007
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