Wasteland 2 - Create Your Own 3D model for Wasteland 2


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
InXile and Unity are partnering in a crowdsourced experiment where you can create a 3D model that might end up in Wasteland 2 and being payed for it as well.
Submission Notes

  1. Download and read our Art Style Guide to get a sense of the Wasteland 2 visual style. (link here)
  2. Check this site weekly for the gallery of art assets we are currently looking for. Pick one (or more if you’re quick!) that you’d like to work on.
  3. Spend the week creating the asset and try it out in our Unity test scene available for download (link here).
    • This test scene will give you a sense of how it looks under our lighting and from our approximate camera view.
    • If you don't already have the free version of Unity, grab it here. http://unity3d.com/unity/download/
  4. Submit it to the Unity Asset Store as you would normally, but make sure to clearly put "hold for inXile entertainment" in the description.
    • Unity will send us all accepted assets and we will select the best ones for our game.
  5. If yours is selected, we will pay you for the asset and you will receive a special "As seen is Wasteland 2" badge to place on your icon in the Unity Asset Store.
    • You will also be credited in the Wasteland 2 game for your contribution (not to mention the satisfaction of showing this off to all your friends!).
    • Please keep pricing in line with the normally accepted range in the Asset Store. Entries will be rejected if the price is too high.
  6. Whether or not your asset is selected by the Wasteland 2 team, it will be available for purchase in the Unity Asset Store by any other developers using Unity.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Modders' paradise.

This is the thing I've been waiting to see for years. Why it didn't happen before? Because publishers think modders should only fix bugs and don't deserve to be payed for their work (Skyrim).
A huge respect to Inxile and Unity.
Apr 12, 2009
Intriguing. Kind of a micro outsourcing effort. Well modders are willing to put in enormous amounts of effort into their favorite games, so why not? The more creative input, the better.
Mar 22, 2012
Do they tell you what you'll get paid? Seems like the reason most companies don't do this is that it opens them up to lawsuits. You will probably get an occasional submission from someone who 'borrows' from someone else. Heck even if everything is on the up-and-up you may get people who feel that they were not paid adequately for the work (before or after) and the petty suits or claims may just take a lot of time to deal with using lawyers which are not going to be cheap.

I guess the difference here is that you are going through the Unity store which creates a buffer between the game company and an the artists. This then puts Unity in the awkward position of policing content I guess but might be effective. Also seems like the artist sets the price so InXile does not have to really bargain and the artist has to make the first move.

I like the idea but have to wonder how it will really work. I guess we shall see.
Apr 23, 2010
I'm sure it'll work like any other asset on the Unity assets store.

Sep 28, 2009
It works exactly like any other asset on the Unity assets store: the artist sets the pricing but you're advised to stick with standard Unity Asset Store pricing, the artist keeps the rights to keep selling his asset, Unity does the pre-selection and policing of content.
Oct 19, 2006
Thanks for the confirmation. How would this affect modding communities? Most game companies have an informal policy (and sometimes stated) that derivative works can be made or at least they will not enforce copyright on those works that reuse assets on the same game the originals came from.

Now we have another copyright holder in the mix if the artist isn't transferring all rights to the buyer. My guess is it doesn't change anything yet as mods will still be made from the game assets and its not worth enforcing copyright law when there is no money being made (on mods).
Apr 23, 2010
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