SW: TOR - Game Update 2.1 Customization Released


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
BioWare has released Game Update 2.1: Customization for Star Wars: The Old Republic. The update brings new dye mods, appearance kiosks, and collections. Check out the launch trailer.

Howdy from Austin, Texas! We are thrilled to release Game Update 2.1: Customization today. This update introduces many highly requested and anticipated features to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As the name indicates,

Game Update 2.1 is all about giving players the freedom to customize their characters to fully immerse themselves in their personal Star Wars™ saga.
What types of customization and convenience options are now available for purchase, you ask? Well, players will be able to change their Character, Legacy, and Guild names with new Cartel Market consumables. And if your character’s look doesn’t quite match their new name, then swing by one of the Appearance

Designer Kiosks located on both Fleets and Capital Worlds and adjust almost anything about your character’s image. This includes body type, face, scars, tattoos, hair style, eye, hair, and skin color. You can even change your character’s species! For a completely fresh look, I would suggest trying out our brand new species, the Cathar! Subscribers can expect a permanent discount on these items.

Game Update 2.1 also introduces Dye Modules, which can be purchased as consumables on the Cartel Market, with in-game credits at the Security and Collector’s Edition vendors, as well as through crafting. With our new Dye Mods you’ll be able to recolor almost any piece of gear in The Old Republic. You can mix and match colors on each individual piece of gear, or you can choose to Unify Color for a more classic look.
More information.
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Oct 1, 2010
Meanwhile the possibility to colour armor and being able to change the looks, players moan at the costs of all of that - at least in the German-language SWTOR forums.
For them, a border has been crossed - they don't like it at all that everything has to be paid by Cartel Coins - "real money" as some of them coin it ( pun intended ;) ) - and that even as a subscriber.

They also criticize that more and more stuff is added to the Cartel Market, meanwhile adding only very little of "real" content (FPs, OPs, Quests, even Planets ...).

This all reminds me a bit of how The SIMs are treated.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I don't know why people get upset about things costing money in F2P when obviously it costs money to develop games and companies have to make money somehow. They don't just spend millions creating and keeping games running out of charity.

They let people play huge amounts of the game for nothing. And when they try to charge for fluff or anything people lose their minds as if games should just be free. Reality can be shocking.

Stuff like dyes and all that is entirely optional fluff - it's something that's not pay 2 win, which is a good thing. Subscribers to swtor get cartel coins every month, so they definitely have nothing to cry about, they can get this new crap if they want to without additional cost.

For people who are going F2P, obviously F2P is not "free" if you want to enjoy the extras. For the extras or full game you pay.

I'm so sick of F2P. Worst business model ever. I'm sure it's great for profits but it sucks for players. I would rather pay a sub and have the whole game available for me to EARN MY CRAP than have to experience cash shop hooks everywhere, OR deal with losers who get ahead thru pay to win, or be restricted unless I pay to win, OR experience worthless people who want free entertainment.


Unless they added more character customization options, this feature isn't that remarkable to me. The face, hair, and other choices in swtor were always very limited and unremarkable, especially for female characters where every hair style is chopped or short since the engine doesn't deal with clipping worth a crap.

I won't log in to check it out since I find swtor's F2P implementation for former subscribers to be the worst ever. Most formerly sub games treat their "founders" better. If I log into swtor as F2P I lose a huge amount of stuff. It's not worth it. I paid for a month of sub when it went F2P to check it all out and the game still didn't feel worth a 15/mo sub so that was a brief experiment.

Other games that have switched from subs to F2P have done a better job.
Apr 22, 2013
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