Pantheon - Kickstarter Updates# 28-32


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
It would seem Visionary Realms once again has multiple updates for Pantheon. Here are the most important ones out of the batch of updates.

Update #28 - "Community Q&A #7, and Boogie's Interview with Brad"

If you didn't catch Boogie's interview with Brad today, let me tell you, it was something else. Possibly one of the most touching developer interviews we've seen in the MMO space in, well, as far back as I can remember. Thanks again, Boogie, and a huge thank you to the Pantheon community. This has been an amazing month for all of us in so many ways.

Enough words. Must. Watch. Video.

Update #30 - "Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen and Shroud of the Avatar Collaborate"

Brad has been talking with Richard 'Lord British' Garriott this week of Shroud of the Avatar and the two of them have been brainstorming ways to support both games. The result? Backers of both games can now claim a cross-game cloak in both Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen and Shroud of the Avatar. To qualify for the special Pantheon/SotA cross-game cloak you must be a Pantheon backer at the Fallen's Special tier or higher and the SotA First Responder (Kickstarter) or Adventurer (post-Kickstarter) pledge tier or higher. You'll then be able to wear the cloaks in both games.
Update #32 -"Reward Tiers"

One of the challenges of Kickstarter rewards is that we cannot modify the tier rewards after they have at least one pledge to them. This makes things a bit tricky when we want to add more to the tier as an extra thank you for your support. So, in light of that, we've made the following chart that lists all of our tiers, and all of their rewards. Please view this chart as the "real deal" as it will be the reward you'll be collecting at the end of the Kickstarter. This is the newest version of the chart, and will continue to be updated on the main Kickstarter page.
More information.
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Oct 1, 2010
Garriott giving a shoutout to Pantheon can do nothing but help, imo. I have such high hopes for this project, even if they don't get the funding via kickstarter I really believe it will still happen. I have faith.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Very candid interview, wonderful stuff. "Intersecting realities" "not necessarily just high fantasy" Huzzah!

Go pledge, peoples ;)
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
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