The Meridian Shard - Post Funding Update #19


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
In this 19th update for The Meridian Shard a development update about stats, new art icons, a second fundraiser for creating more art, testing, rewards and armor upgrades is provided.

One of the art aspects that I highly value in adventure/role-playing games are the inventory icons. They can take weeks/months to produce since rpg's tend to have ALOT of items when you factor in the weapons, potions, keys, treasures etc. Well, this is something that I would now like to add to The Meridian Shard. As it stands now, I only have time and $ to make the icons for all of the skills/spells/status effects. To make custom icons for every single item in the game inventory would take an insane amount of design, rendering and implementation into a huge new icon sheet, but I would like to add this work to my summer schedule and then offer a commercial icon set after the game is published so that other indie developers can use and modify them for their own projects. The set would be sold on the Unity3D asset store, steam and from my own website.

So, if any of you backers would like to contribute to adding more art icons to The Meridian Shard, I have started a small KS for exactly that. It will hopefully allow me to push back some necessary paid work this summer so that I can dedicate the 4 - 6 weeks of required time to complete the set.
The Kickstarter can be found here and it has already met its goal of $1000, but you can still throw money at it for the stretch goals.

More information.
Last edited:
Aug 30, 2006
Combat will play out in ordered turns with varying dynamics

Now this will be interesting. Already looks promising, but curious how their team will handle combat.

Also he uses BIG fonts, which is The Ultimate Advantage.
Mar 21, 2013
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