Elder Scrolls Online - Interview @ Gamingbolt


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October 1, 2010
Gamingbolt talks to Creative Director Paul D. Sage about the monthly subscription model for ESO, the console versions, and other topics in a new interview.

Leonid Melikhov: Ever since the game’s launch, Elder Scrolls Online has received a fair bit of criticism for monthly-subscription. Do you guys have plans to change that sometime in the future?

Paul D. Sage: No, we don’t have any plans that I am aware of to change it in the future. You know the business model is what the business model is and it allows us to deliver high level content on regular basis right now. So there are no plans that I am aware of.

Leonid Melikhov: The Elder Scrolls Online will be one of the few titles that will have subscription based service. Considering that games like Star Wars the Old Republic started out the same way but went free-to-play since subscription based model didn’t work, why not lean towards more of a free-to-play concept?

Paul D. Sage: You know again, we have no plans to change subscription plans.

Leonid Melikhov: Okay. When the game launched it had a lot of bugs and kinks here and there. What steps have you taken to fix those?

Paul D. Sage
: So we’ve actually really taken a huge step on making sure that the player experience is as good as it can be for reducing bugs. The developer team is fully committed since the very beginning of launch and even before to make sure all of the bugs were taken care of.

You know, when you have a large number of players like that, you see more bugs that kind of occur naturally. We’ve actually reduced our bug count significantly and even our call count went down on bugs. The team has made great strides, you can’t always guarantee everything will be bug free of course, but we’ve made a huge amount of bug fixes over the course of just one and a half months.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Ah, good! I see the transition to Free2Play is already underway. Currently they are at the "totally deny F2P transition". Shouldn't be long until they go into "F2P is our creative vision".
Oct 5, 2010
Yep. Even the language "no plans...right now" seemed like lawyer-speak for "yeah probably sometime in the future, probably a year or so"

I like the subscription model - I have to be one of the few people who do - so I hope it's not true. But F2P is the norm now, and most games find the lure irresistable...
Dec 16, 2013
Yep. Even the language "no plans…right now" seemed like lawyer-speak for "yeah probably sometime in the future, probably a year or so"

I like the subscription model - I have to be one of the few people who do - so I hope it's not true. But F2P is the norm now, and most games find the lure irresistable…

I hate F2P, find them horrible and not very immerssive. And yes I have tried many of them - disliked all of them after a while. Have never lasted longer than a month with F2P and when a subscription game went to F2P they usually lost me as I disliked the changes so much. As they say ... you get what you pay for.
Jun 4, 2008
It seems unfortunate that people who prefer to spend their time playing middling games that don't seem to cost anything, rather than quality games that has a price attached - are the people who get to set the standard.
I agree that as long as subscriber numbers stay large enough, the subscription model is the way to go to insure reliable income, in turn allowing for long term planning.

Also, it is rather audacious to pretend that the subscription model has failed, when, as far as I am aware, in 2012 still 47% of the money spend on MMOs was still spend on pay 2 play, not free 2 play games. Since one of the main titles, WoW, did not become F2P, I do not believe this has completely changed since then, either.

Personally, I do prefer subscription based games as well. I do not mind spending some money when I get regular patches and improvements. When I do get bored or annoyed by bugs, I just cancel my subscription and move on rather than waste my time on a boring and/or buggy game for free.
Oct 18, 2006
Probably the most useless questions, but asked ever so often. Do you plan to go F2P? Do you still work on the bugs? Will there be new content?

God, I could have told them what ZoS would answer to such questions. Such a waste of time, where there would have been more important questions to ask.

On a personal note, I dont mind the monthly fee, it's the game which just wasn't good enough to keep subscription. After 2 months I felt I had seen enough of this snoozefest.
Aug 24, 2007
I think that was an attempt to be a hard-hitting journalist, which apparently is the way to get no information for your article in the gaming industry.

I honestly just hope ESO isn't the reason there has been a delay announcing the next single-player Bethesda game. It's been about 3 years since Skyrim, and that has been the release clip they have been running at for the last few games.
Feb 2, 2007
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