Graywalkers - The End Of One Journey


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Dreamlords Digital posted another kickstarter update with more information on the game after getting funded, and once again give a big thank you to all backers.

The End Of One Journey and the Start of Another

Hello everybody! It's been 24 hours since the campaign finished. I can't believe we're finally here. Last year when we first tried our luck here on Kickstarter, we didn't make it. For almost a year, you guys waited for us to come back and try again. Now, we are finally here, fully funded. That journey is now over, and though I will miss it, we are now excited to move forward and start a new journey. One that will bring us closer to our dream of making this game come true.

I know we've said it a hundred times, but I guess there can never be enough of it for you guys. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

We owe our being here right now to each and every one of you. We truly appreciate you guys because you have given us a huge degree of trust. You put your hard earned money into our project, with faith and belief in us.

And so, our kickstarter road ends, and the full development road begins. Now, we will start building the game we promised you guys and hopefully we will get it into your hands as soon as we can. The journey has just began anew.


We will try to continue adding in new updates as we move forward in the development. While we will fix the official forums, we would like to invite people to participate with us via the following channels:

We hope you guys can join us there to receive up to date news. Of course we will make sure to let you guys know what is happening via here on the comments section of the KS page, just so you know when something is worth knowing.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime here. You can also reach me personally via Feel free to follow me personally on Twitter as well (@wyldekarde).

Again THANK YOU very much to everybody. We will keep you all posted on developments. Till the next update! :)
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
These new games, that people think are awesome, yet turn out that the indie devs don't really have the necessary technical knowledge of veterans (how could they), making these games mediocre, *gives me hope for my own game.

The only titles that (I think) reached their possible "indie ceiling" of awesomeness are Grim Dawn and surprisingly Torment. The rest is mediocre fast food, and because these are being put to market in quantity, people think that crap is awesome*.
Mar 21, 2013
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