Deus Ex - Why I Loved it @ Games Industry


October 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Alex Kennedy has written an editorial at Games Industry on why he loved this game.
A quote about the world:

Often you survive a firefight with a limp, which is pretty cool, and occasionally you apparently have both your legs blown off, leading to a desperate Pythonesque hump-for-cover. The same goes for the world. It drips with colour and incident, and there's so much of it. New York, Paris, Hong Kong ruined petrol station, jetliner, cathedral, nightclub, undersea lab, supertanker; graveyard, mansion. There was a White House level; there was a level in a space station. Neither made it into the finished game, but there are still way more levels than any sane player has a right to expect.
A quote on the story:

There are people who will try to tell you that that DE's storyline is silly. Technically, I suppose they're correct. I feel, though, that there should be more joy in their lives. The storyline is meant to be an unlikely kitchen-sink mash-up of X-Files conspiracy theories, and it is, but it's mashed up with verve and grace. Those seven years of scheming and preproduction show. The characters are uneven but elaborate, with the rough organic edges that come from editing and reworking the larger plot, like the sprues of extrusion-moulding. The revelations come steadily one after another for thirty hours of gameplay. There are books and newspapers everywhere, and none of them outstay their welcome: they all deploy this secret weapon at the end of a paragraph or two of text....
Do you agree with Alex Kennedy?

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
The best feature of Deus Ex is that you have to find the best way through the game.
The game gives you a lot of alternatives. You have to make a lot of choices - even with the super small inventory. Adjust your characters skills, choose stealth or brute force, find a hidden path, ...

Great game.
Oct 18, 2006
I bought Deus Ex on Friday on my way home from work. In 2000 I guess. In those days internet sale was mythical. So to get in touch with new stuff I was visiting game shop almost every day on my way back. Owner/seller was budy of mine. He played hardcore. We had some good times in Ultima online and later on in Everquest. Anyway he recommended me Deus Ex and for next 9 days I slept much less then 24H alltogether. It`s doable if You are young and stupid enough :) I never did sth like that for a game before and never after. So for me Deus Ex is and will always be love of my life in single player.
Apr 10, 2015
Deus Ex was brilliant. Deus Ex Invisible War was also extremely strong story-wise despite streamlined gameplay. Deus Ex Human Revolution was also brilliant. To sum up, all three games were and are still amazing!

To sum up again: DX1 was the most unique and creative, a must-play. DX2 was the epic conclusion to the DX1 story, a must-play. DXHR is the most playable and refined of them all, a must-play.
Oct 5, 2010
When i read all the Deus Ex reviews, everyone talked about doing everything stealth for the most enjoyment. So I attempted to play it as a stealthy character, unfortunately this led to so many reloads it ceased to be fun. Pity I probably would of enjoyed it if I played more gungho.
Oct 17, 2014
It really is time to reinstall. I loved the game but I haven't played it in years! A high def mod came out a while back, I've been meaning to give it a go for a while. I'm not sure that the game can possibly live up to my memory of it though - I absolutely loved it back in the day.
Apr 13, 2012
It really is time to reinstall. I loved the game but I haven't played it in years! A high def mod came out a while back, I've been meaning to give it a go for a while. I'm not sure that the game can possibly live up to my memory of it though - I absolutely loved it back in the day.

It stands up to memory VERY well. I replayed DX1 (and DX2) right before HR came out. I'd highly recommend you use these mods: New Vision, Shifter, Project HDTP, Deus Ex Enhanced, & Kentie's Deus Exe. Not sure if any new or better stuff has come out since 2011.
Oct 5, 2010
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