Rebel Galaxy - Review Roundup


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Here are a bunch of reviews for Rebel Galaxy, many of which have been spotted by Eye.

Wolf's Gaming Blog

Despite the fact that the entire game essentially boils down to flyin’ and fightin’ Rebel Galaxy is without a doubt one of my favorite games of the year. Make no mistake, I’m not saying it’s one of the best games of the year; that repetitive structure will put a lot of people off and the combat isn’t exactly deep, but it has clicked with me and I can see it potentially making my list of top games of 2015. Once it grabs hold of you it doesn’t let go, demanding that you keep flying through the Verse’, grabbing more gear and new missions. It’s the Torchlight of space, and while it doesn’t offer the same level of complexity as other space sims on the market it brings to the table its own charms.
IGN, 8

In some ways it’s a bare-bones game, but in the proud tradition of classics like Wing Commander: Privateer and Freelancer, Rebel Galaxy makes a lot out of a little by giving you the freedom to captain your ship as you please and pursue your own fortune in a region of space loaded with pirates and opportunity. While it's not as deep as it first appears, fun and fast naval-style combat and a vast explorable galaxy made me want to try out each of its different styles of captaining, and kept me happily blasting away.
Grogheads (a review by two persons)

Rebel Galaxy is sure to survive on our systems for a long, long time. The fast-paced action and interaction (with NPCs and Stations) coupled with an immersive look and gritty sound makes buying Rebel Galaxy a great deal for the space privateer.
Gone wiht the Win, 9

This game is fun, and I’m pretty much loving every second of it. There’s so much going on, from getting that next upgrade, from blowing up that next frigate, whizzing into pure chaos just to nab a dead drop item in between thousands of crisscrossing missiles and energy beams burning a hole in my hairy aft. Rebel Galaxy has left me thoroughly impressed and completely addicted. This game is huge. This game is long. This game is everything you ever wanted out of a modern Privateer sequel, or a spiritual homage to Firefly. Thanks to Rebel Galaxy, it will be a long time before I pry myself out of this captain’s chair.

Overall, Rebel Galaxy is a fantastic space opera you shouldn’t miss. With hours upon hours of gameplay built with a huge dose of player freedom, you will receive a huge bang for your gaming dollar. It is out on Steam on October 20, 2015 for $20 USD and plans to show up on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in the future.
Grabit Magazine, 4.5/5

For a long time, one game has held a special place in my heart for being the closest thing to the Han Solo experience I've always wanted. Freelancer, released back in 2003 by veterans of the classic Wing Commander series, consumed many, many hours of my life. It was my definitive space adventure - until now, that is. Rebel Galaxy is everything Freelancer was, but better. It's an incredible achievement given the size of the team behind it. Double Damage consists of just two guys: Travis Baldree and Erich Schaefer, previously of Runic Games, the studio responsible for the Torchlight series. They didn't work entirely alone - they hired art and music contractors to assist them - but for the most part, Rebel Galaxy is their child. They deserve to be proud.

Rebel Galaxy certainly isn't bad, not by any stretch, and hidden amongst its repetition there are pockets of excitement just waiting to be found. It's satisfying the first time you pummel a new and powerful class of ship into space dust, or exciting when the game's plodding plot finally puts you in a new place with new things to try, but these moments are not only too few and too far between, they also make everything else feel like a diversion. Another routine Space Duel is a diversion. Warping into another asteroid field, which you have to tediously navigate your way back out of, is a diversion. While it's great that there are emergent events happening out in space, most of these are also just another diversion.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Jan 10, 2008
Apr 17, 2007
lol rune, do you HAVE to react to every single one of them?
Jan 10, 2008
lol rune, do you HAVE to react to every single one of them?

I like letting people know when they do something else do you correct that;)
Apr 17, 2007
I don't get the point of a stupid comment like that…

Educate yourself on 38 Studios, where less money was sundered into the ground in a very public manner, unless you are one of those 15k investors then I can understand your own hollow comments.
Jun 30, 2011
Educate yourself on 38 Studios, where less money was sundered into the ground in a very public manner, unless you are one of those 15k investors then I can understand your own hollow comments.

Educate yourself.
Apr 17, 2007
Reviews that report about products in a certain way are either disconnected with the mark or, like Eurogamer's, do not give marks.
It seems that giving good marks or not giving marks are the options.

After watching some more streaming, Eurogamer's is spot on.
People who enjoy it enjoy it a lot though, even as they cant explain why.
Mar 29, 2011
I played a bit last night - pretty fun and you can definitely get in over your head (which I did intentionally to see how well the AI would pick me apart ... it was ruthless).
Oct 18, 2006
I played a bit last night - pretty fun and you can definitely get in over your head (which I did intentionally to see how well the AI would pick me apart … it was ruthless).
Keep us updated. I'm interested but don't want to dive into it until after D:OS EE.
Aug 30, 2006
Keep us updated. I'm interested but don't want to dive into it until after D:OS EE.

I basically ended up not starting Age of Decadance and not replaying Wasteland 2 right now ... playing this, then into D:OS replay next week. Then who knows ... :)
Oct 18, 2006
Educate yourself on 38 Studios, where less money was sundered into the ground in a very public manner, unless you are one of those 15k investors then I can understand your own hollow comments.

Comparing 38 to Cloud is like comparing a $50 hotdog to all-you-can-eat lobster.
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Don't you have to taste it to know if it's a lobster or a 5 bucks hotdog made up to look like a lobster??
Jan 10, 2008
Don't you have to taste it to know if it's a lobster or a hotdog made up to look like a lobster??

You have to be very careful of those devious hot dogs ...

So, um, am I the only one actually interested in this game?
Oct 18, 2006
So, um, am I the only one actually interested in this game?
Dude, you just replied to my post where I said I was interested. :p

So I guess we are, like, at least two people! I was, by the way, also one of the five who liked the original NWN campaign over in the other thread, although I didn't reply there.
Aug 30, 2006
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