A Princess To Save Me - Kickstarted @ Indie Game Guys


The Elder Spy
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October 18, 2006
Drunk Dragon Games annouced a new interesting game: A Princess To Save Me

The game is on Kickstarter right now.

A princess to save me: game about becoming yourself

I'm Andrey from Drunk Dragon Games.
We make games about society and social issues.

Our tactical RPG A Princess To Save Me explores origins of a person's perception of self and women's place in traditional society.

A damsel-in-distress princess has just been saved by a prince, but he gets killed on the way home, and she is left to take care of herself for the first time in her life.

We bring game mechanics and narrative together to tell the story of a victim transforming into a hero.

We're launching a kickstarter and thought you might be interested in covering our game because of your interest in games devoted to social issues as well as narrative focused games.

Kickstarter video:

Game trailer:

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Well, we've all wanted, at some point in our lives, to be a princess in trouble, so this seems quite interesting.
Jun 5, 2015
Saving the Princess has never been an RPG thing, so playing around with that cliche in an RPG setting isn't as exciting as it likely sounds to the developers. In fact RPGs are one of the least sexist genres out there and even in its old school form provide the player ample opportunity to choose either male or female protagonists - to which all RPGs are about a victim becoming a hero, though victim would be an exaggeration on the concept of zero to hero.

It's great that the developers have a cause which inspires them to make RPGs, inspiration is never a bad thing, but whatever your cause, whether it be helping orphaned puppies and kittens find new homes or a promotional tool for the NRA, the consumers will only care about one thing, the playability. So I wouldn't bother with the whole cause angle in any of my promotion, but rather produce a good game and only mention those kind of details in post-release interviews when people ask you about inspiration.

You might get some controversy purchases, but you'll also lose potential goodwill if you base all your promotion on polarised issues that don't even relate to the genre, but rather to the world that people use RPGs to escape from. Also, if the game doesn't take itself too seriously that would probably be more popular than if it's a kitchen sink lecture-fest.

I don't think I've played a game where I've rescued a princess since Mario in the early 90s.
Nov 1, 2014
Fantasy has inspiration and the damsel in distress is one recurring trope of the inspirational material.

Gamers could not care less than that: princess in distress, prince in distress, that does not mean proper gameplay.
Mar 29, 2011
I'm backing this as soon as I go home.
Probably won't play it ever, I mean… 10K?You can't make a proper game with that. Not on PC. On phones and consoles, you can.

The reason I'll waste my money? It's antipode to an overpowered godess who needs a moron to save her just because he has penis idiocy called Bioshock 3.
Apr 12, 2009
You mean JRPGs still do that? Well in that case I shall share Joxer's sentiment… ROTFL

Recent WRPG examples of DiD that I can think of are Blackguards (Aurelia) and The Witcher 2 (Triss & arguably Saska, too). There's probably a few others I'm forgetting.. But yeah it seems to be a much more common trope in JRPGs (see TVtropes for examples)

And I'd even go so far as to say that having a woman in distress in a game (or any work of fiction) is not automatically bad / sexist... After all, most RPR protagonists are basically heroes, and shouldn't a hero help people in need? The problem is just when the damsel is portrayed as a helpless weakling / completely foolish or incompetent and needs a big strong man to save her. And that it seems to be women who are captured / rescued far more often than men. But I agree that for WRPGs this cliche doesn't appear all that often.
Apr 9, 2013
One of the most brutal fights I've had so far in Fallout four was with some chick....I think her name was Clutch or something like that. Had to fight her in a confined space so running around wasn't an option just had to bob and weave like crazy. And after that long nasty fight I couldn't take her scalp.

Sometimes this game annoys me. I like a good scalp!
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Our tactical RPG A Princess To Save Me explores origins of a person's perception of self and women's place in traditional society.

A damsel-in-distress princess has just been saved by a prince, but he gets killed on the way home, and she is left to take care of herself for the first time in her life.

We bring game mechanics and narrative together to tell the story of a victim transforming into a hero.

We're launching a kickstarter and thought you might be interested in covering our game because of your interest in games devoted to social issues as well as narrative focused games.

In other words, it's the typical male shaming bullocks about how patriarchy is evil and blablabla. No thanks.

Leftists really, really want to leave no male space any respite from female influence, so they want to subvert the videogame scene completely.

It flies in the face of reality too. Are women brainwashed into buying Twilight, or the millions of other pieces of media which are about variations of that same trope? I loved when I pointed this out to a feminist professor in college, and also loved that a female student raised her hand and said she was in agreement with me.

It is simply laughable, it's a bunch of people making a rubbish amateurish RPGMaker game who launched it because they know that the anti-GG journalists who make up most of the game sites will give them free publicity. Anyone who would make similar content without trumpeting that "women are poor helpless victims" narrative would remain in obscurity like the other thousands of obscure RPGMaker projects.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
In other words, it's the typical male shaming bullocks about how patriarchy is evil and blablabla. No thanks.

Leftists really, really want to leave no male space any respite from female influence, so they want to subvert the videogame scene completely.

It flies in the face of reality too. Are women brainwashed into buying Twilight, or the millions of other pieces of media which are about variations of that same trope? I loved when I pointed this out to a feminist professor in college, and also loved that a female student raised her hand and said she was in agreement with me.

It is simply laughable, it's a bunch of people making a rubbish amateurish RPGMaker game who launched it because they know that the anti-GG journalists who make up most of the game sites will give them free publicity. Anyone who would make similar content without trumpeting that "women are poor helpless victims" narrative would remain in obscurity like the other thousands of obscure RPGMaker projects.

The princess has offended HHR. ;)
Eh, did that female student turn out to be your wife?
Jun 5, 2015
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