Fallout 4 - The SUccess of the Series


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Eye forwarded us this article on Fallout 4 from GamesTM, who claim to bring us the truth about the game and what made the series a success:

Much like the series as a whole, Fallout 4 is a game that straddles the past and future, which may go some way to explain the mixed reaction it seems to be getting from some quarters. It’s a game that’s bridging the gap between one of the experiences of the last generation, and a new era of hardware that has yet to fully establish its identity. And it is somewhat ironic that a series that has always warned of the repetitious nature of history when it says ‘War, war never changes’, should find itself once again having to convince fans that it has what it takes to deliver the Fallout experience the hardcore expect.

Looking back now, it seems ludicrous that anyone would have doubted Fallout 3, but that was the situation Bethesda was in as it took over the franchise for the first time, and it’s worth remembering that this is only the studio’s second game in the franchise. Fallout 4 should represent Bethesda establishing its vision, cementing its hold on the licence having done so well with Fallout 3. It will continue to recognise the heritage of the past and make a space for what this series can be in the future.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Whatta bunch of bollocks.

What made series a success is not any vision while being on heavy drugs or while praying to some higher beings.

1. FO1 - test/techdemo shortie that was cute
2. FO2 - epic sci fi retro huge game full of crazy stuff
3. FO:T - a trip to another genre, wellmade
4. FO:BoS - phonegame/consolegame for monkeys, an insult to fans (ruined Interplay)
5. FO3/FO:NV - switching the game to 3D one towards exploration another towards roots
6. FO4 - Fallout with Sims 4 lifesim strategy integrated!

War never changes.
Fallout changes.
The change is what makes the difference. But the change that doesn't suck in the first place (read - it's not planned to please low IQ people).
Apr 12, 2009
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