Graywalkers - Development Update


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
The Graywalker devs posted a new update on Kickstarter to show that they are still around.

Greetings Graywalkers!!! It’s been more than 2 months since our last update. I know many of you have been wondering what’s been happening so here is our update for all of you. Rest assured the team is still hard at work pushing forward. I know with all the different KS games starting to fail, some of you might get nervous when you don’t hear from us. Don’t worry guys, we are still here and nothing will stop us from finishing this game.
There is also new on the tabletop RPG being delayed as they want to focus on the video game right now.

And there is the actual development update, which also explains the delay.

I know some may be getting worried but rest assured we are working on it with everything we got. There's always a lot of blocks that creep up but we're constantly pushing forward despite them. Bottom line, the development of the game is moving forward continuously. We’ve been super busy just churning things out and we believe that you will be happy with the game when it is done.

However, we would like to admit that we are behind schedule and we apologize for this. We had many legitimate reasons why this has happened but in the end, it was our responsibility and we should have planned better and had better contingencies in place. The good thing is that we are now taking steps to help us catch up so we hope you can bear with us.

Currently, the game is at that stage wherein we’re all on constant sprints to get everything together. We have many of the pieces already and it’s that point when things are trickier as we assemble the game with all the components we have worked on the past few months in terms of programming, assets and content.

Initially, we were divided on whether to focus on speed to get the game to you faster or to focus on quality and ensure that you guys get the product you deserve. We know there will be people complaining about the schedule but we have decided to focus on quality.

We decided to focus on quality. It may slow things down a bit but we believe it is what is best for the game and for you guys in the long run.
Thanks Eye.

More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sounds good to me. I rather have a few games per year that are actually worth playing than a multitude of uninspired, boring games that I am never going to touch anyway. Similarly, for the developer's resumé having worked on several mediocre games will not count as much as having worked on a single one that was well received. Cancelling would destroy their credibility in the long run, while delaying and delivering a good product in the end will only hurt them in the short term, given that they put in more work with already very limited funding until publication.
Oct 18, 2006
Sounds good to me also as a lot of kickstarters have rushed to release the funded game, and we all know by playing the game needed more development time.:nod:
Oct 1, 2010
actually in order for this game to stand out it needs to be polished, innovative, rewarding, and well designed, so i applaud the effort in that area. i would point out that the description is a little silly. imagine them saying we are making a squad turn based strategy game which is supernatural, and post apocalyptic and is in no way similar to x-com, jagged alliance, or fallout. i just don't think that is possible at this point. every game in this category is going to be a little bit derivative out of necessity, but i'm sure the description attracted more backers.
Nov 23, 2015
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