Tyranny - Introducing The Tiersmen


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Welcome to the anti-Kyros resistance known as The Tiersmen. PCGamesN previews this faction in Tyranny and explains what they are all about.

Meet the Tiersmen

When the armies of Kyros the Overlord invaded the Tiers, they were not met by a unified resistance of men and women banding together to fight against Kyros' armies. Instead, each nation of the Tiers sat back and waited for its neighbor to bear the cost of resistance. Each nation quickly fell before the combined might of the Overlord's forces.

This lack of unity - of trust - was endemic within the Tiers. Each nation spent centuries warring with their neighbors over land, resources, and - worst of all - pride. When faced with a greater threat, they could not put aside past differences long enough to band together and face it. According to the Overlord's historians, this mistrust and constant warfare existed throughout Terratus before Kyros began bringing all peoples under a single set of just laws. It was this very chaos that the Overlord sought to conquer, rather than the people themselves. Or so the Overlord's historians say.

Most resistance within the Tiers was shattered during Kyros' conquest. But not all. In the valley of Vendrien's Well, a new spark of rebellion shines forth. The Overlord has sent armies to stamp it out, to ensure that all of the known world remains in Kyros' control. It is too soon to tell whether these rebels will succeed in their aims. If they do, there are other forces in the Tiers who might join together to fight against Kyros. They will need the right leader to succeed. Someone with the vision to teach them to work together.
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
So the world is better now than it has been with Chaos defeated and Law and Order ruling. I will crush the weakling rebels under my heel and bring Order back to the world.
Oct 3, 2014
It feels weird to me that this game is already being released two days from now. It didn't seem like it was in development very long for an RPG.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
It feels weird to me that this game is already being released two days from now. It didn't seem like it was in development very long for an RPG.
It used same engine, tools and art assets as PoE. You don't need that much time to build a game when all the grunt work is already done.
Oct 3, 2014
It used same engine, tools and art assets as PoE. You don't need that much time to build a game when all the grunt work is already done.

Plus it is a very short RPG compared to most these days. What have they been saying the 25-30 hour make to finish it.
Apr 2, 2011
It feels weird to me that this game is already being released two days from now. It didn't seem like it was in development very long for an RPG.

They just announced it 6 months before release like Fallout 4 (and Titanfall 2), but the project started in January 2014 with a concept that exist since 2006 at Obsidian. So it either had just under 3 years dev cycle which is what most game have RPG or not or a 10 year dev cycle depending how you want to look at it.
Oct 13, 2007
Plus it is a very short RPG compared to most these days. What have they been saying the 25-30 hour make to finish it.

That might be a good thing from my perspective. PoE started really well for me but turned into a bit a grind later on and I never finished it.
Sep 3, 2016
A Misty Island
I felt almost the opposite about PoE. It started slow for me but the more I learned about the world and lore, the more I enjoyed it. Why people enjoy paying $50 for a shorter game is kind of beyond me, but to each their own. I don't replay titles like some do.
Jun 5, 2015
High, high up in the mountains of the southwestern
I felt almost the opposite about PoE. It started slow for me but the more I learned about the world and lore, the more I enjoyed it. Why people enjoy paying $50 for a shorter game is kind of beyond me, but to each their own. I don't replay titles like some do.

I understand what your saying but for me length isn't that important. Obviously it's very dependent on how much you like a game. If it's great I'd be sad to see it end at 25 hours but if it's so so I wouldn't want to play it for 100+ hours. Also a 100+ hour game that's shown me all it has to offer at the 25 hour mark isn't very appealing either.

For instance I beat legend of grimrock at just over 20 hours. It was a good game but I was glad to see it finish. Had it been even just 10 hours longer I probably wouldn't have finished because I'd seen all it had to offer really around the 10 hour mark.

So to me game length is a fickle thing.
The 25 hours length might be for the critical path going by reviews. MMORPG reviews talks of 40+ hours for side quests in a single playthrough (and 20-30 for the main path) and RPS is also nowhere near done despite having already passed the 25 hours mark in his playthrough.
Oct 13, 2007
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