Torment: Tides of Numenera - Path to Gold


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
The latest kickstarter update for Torment: Tides of Numenera outlines the path to release.

Path to Gold

Phew! It's been a busy month. The Torment team has been hustling hard to get the game polished for release. The game is nearly ready, which means we're now doing all that "boring" stuff that gets Torment ready for you to play.

What does that include? Well, Jeremy, Evan and other members of the design team have been working away on balancing to make sure our Crisis encounters are as entertaining as can be, and that things like loot distribution, economy and character progression are playing well. A lot of number tweaking! Those on the writing and area design side have been playing through the game and fixing any remaining quest, story and content issues. Our engineers Steve, Jesse, Dan and more have been hammering hard on performance optimization and pesky bugs to make sure everything runs better, faster, stronger. Meanwhile, we've got our artists, scripters and more devoted to further polish and cleaning up animations, character rigs, and textures.

Fortunately, things are looking really good, so we've been able to divert more folk's time toward playing the game, finding bugs, identifying balance and progression issues, and tying up any loose ends in quests. It might sound like a strange thing to say, but sometimes for developers, simply finding the time to sit back and enjoy our own games is a luxury, so we've been doing that too.

We also wouldn't be complete rounding up our recent progress without giving another shout-out to the QA teams at Testronic and Techland, plus our external localization partners. Those teams have all been putting in huge amounts of hours and Torment is very much improved thanks to them.

All of this work is bringing us closer and closer to a release-to-manufacturing build of the game. We've been directing our efforts towards that milestone, and when that happens, it will mean Torment is effectively a finished, complete game we can all be proud of. You can rest assured we'll be hammering away as long as we can to give you the best possible experience upon release early next year.

Last, in the previous update we hinted that we'll have a new beta update for Torment coming, and that's still the plan. This will have many of the refinements we've mentioned above, plus new features like the ability to switch between mouse/keyboard and controller versions of the interface. We'll keep you all posted!
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
The world sounds a lot bigger than WL2 their previous project
Mar 9, 2015
Despite having waited years after backing the KS and having early access for the better part of this year, I still havn't hit 'play' to check it out, and I'm currently deciding to maybe wait another 6mo~year after launch for patches and a possible director's cut ver.

Having done just that for Wasteland 2 turned out beautifully!
Feb 27, 2011
I played once at release and once recently... Loved what WL2DC has done to the game
Mar 9, 2015
Yeah, I was wishing I had done that for Divinity: Original Sin. I held out longer for Pillars of Eternity to get a bunch of updates which worked out nicely.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Somebody please tell me the combat is significantly improved over WL2...
Oct 18, 2006
Yes, I also found the combat in WL2 to be lackluster. Of course, that was right at release. I had problems with the combat in Pillars of Eternity right at release, too. Tyranny, which I think is much better, may be an indication that the devs have corrected mistakes from the release of Pillars. Currently enjoying Tyranny as much as I am, I'm now planning to return to the much-patched PoE (Hell, it just got another small patch last week.) when I'm done.

All of this is an indication I should just lay the hell off games right at release and wait for patches. I think I'll try to do that for Torment: Tides, as I've slowly been building up some high hopes for this game.
Sep 16, 2010
And this game will be fantastically patched, modded and playable during the Christmas of 2018.
Mar 21, 2013
Calm your tits son this isnt Skyrim
Mar 9, 2015
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