Unknown Realm - Stretch Goals Explained


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Unknown Realms latest update focuses on stretch goals such as additional tilesets, seasonal fx and quest cards.

Tilesets, Seasonal FX, and Quest Cards!

We're closing in on our next goal pretty fast! Maybe we can get there by tomorrow? ;-)

Let's talk about some of the design elements that will be unlocked with these upcoming goals...

Additional Tilesets and Seasonal FX

Currently we plan on having over 1500 tiles for the game. However, in the past we did some tests using alternate nighttime tiles and we liked the ambiance they added. Nighttime tiles will enhance the way a player experiences the night and day cycles in Unknown Realm and help reveal things that can only be discovered during the night.

Seasonal FX allow us to have variations on regular tiles such as fall and winter elements, and give us the opportunity to include some environmental fx such as washed out bridges and snowed in areas in the game. The winter season in particular opens up game elements we would like to include such as ice caves and survival components. You'll also have to figure out how to protect yourself from the winter elements.

Additional Quest Cards

Reaching this goal will provide an additional four quest cards on top of the eight we have included in the budget. The quest cards correspond to actual items, artifacts, or puzzles that you will discover in the game. Unlocking these additional quest cards also means unlocking additional sub quests.

In keeping with the inspiration for these feelies (namely Bruce's memories of playing old D&D modules like Tomb of Horrors), each one will be illustrated in a traditional pen and ink style. We wanted to incorporate that same kind of tabletop feel into the gameplay and increase the immersion by providing things you can hold and examine to help you solve quests in the game. These may be maps, an inscription to decipher, or a clue to help solve a puzzle. Even though you will be able to look at these cards beforehand, their purpose will only become clear once you uncover their context in the game.

For digital backers, printable version of these quest cards will be included in the digital supplements. For Ziplock Bag Edition backers, the quest cards will be part of the module-style manual. Collector's Edition and Black Edition backers will get a deluxe packet of these quest cards included as one of the feelie components in the game box.

We have unrolled our stretch goal scroll a bit more to hint at what we have coming next after we unlock the quest cards.

You guys have been doing such a great job spreading the word! We want this project to reach as many RPG fans as possible. We know there are a lot more out there that haven't heard about Unknown Realm yet and we don't want them to miss out on being a part of the movement to bring back the classic 8-bit RPG.

If you have a favorite gaming website, podcast, blog, or game news outlet, please consider suggesting this project to them. After all, it's kind of a big deal that in this age of digital only games, close to 700 gamers so far have loudly proclaimed (via Kickstarter) that they are totally down for new, real 8-bit RPGs with feelies included!

We certainly think you guys are a big deal. ;-)

- Bruce & Laura
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Love the physical stuff like the quest cards. Much of my joy playing the early games was reading the lore books.
Feb 24, 2010
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