InSomnia - Kickstarter Update


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Farflame spotted a new Kickstarter update for InSomnia:

New screenshots and progress report

Hello everyone! Today we will show you some new in-game screenshots and give you more information on where we at right now.

Much of our work these days consists of testing of all the new game levels and especially the combat system behaviour, light and sound effects (radio, loudspeakers music etc.).

We continue to add unique content such as in-game rewards for backers and also work on balancing the craft system (as you might remember you will need resources to craft stuff and we are heading towards lack of those to make the whole process more complex and rewarding).

We also started the process of scripting the cut-scenes for the end of the game and lets say there will be quite a few of those. Other than that we are expanding on boss fights which means adding new types of enemies and all necessary animations.

Plus we have finally started to work with the publisher who is helping with translating all the text content of the game at the moment. We still have to solve a few legal questions before starting a full-fledged cooperation and as soon as it's done you'll be the first one to know all the details.

Other than that the process of character development and achievement system testing has also started. These achievements will not only add some cool looking icons to your Steam account but will also slightly affect the gameplay itself (and not always in a benefiting way).

Generally we feel quite good about the current state of InSomnia and will be able to finish the biggest chunk of development by the end of September. We will continue to tune the balance and improve each and every aspect of the game until it's humanly possible. So it's safe to say we will be ready to name release dates for different versions of the game (closed beta, Steam EA, final release) in September.

We do realize the game release has been postponed far more than anyone could expect but we are moving forward to this goal each day. We are very happy to have you as our backers and will do everything possible to satisfy you with the final game.

More news to be revealed next month, stay tuned!
Thanks Farflame!

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
At least InSomnia's UE4 will be probably lightning fast, compared to dreadfully slow Unity 5 in atrocious lame trainwreck Dreamfall Chapters Final Cut!
Mar 21, 2013
We do realize the game release has been postponed far more than anyone could expect...
Well, not really. I would've been totally surprised if it was released anywhere near on time.
Oct 18, 2006
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