Kingmaker - Shaneplays plays Alpha 2


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Shaneplays shared his impressions of Pathfinder: Kingmaker Alpha 2.

Game options and character creation in the Closed Alpha version of Pathfinder: Kingmaker. (Alpha means incomplete. Not all content and features are fully implemented, not all in-game copy is perfect, there will be bugs - this game is still a work in progress.)

For more information on Pathfinder: Kingmaker please visit Thanks to Owlcat Games for the invitation to the Closed Alpha.
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
The character creation is very cool and I like the way they show all the progression out to level 20 in the grid - feats, spells, abilities, etc.

Very complex but also good interface to make it easier to use. Lots of options which I love in games like this. Very in-depth.

He spent waaaaay to much time in setting his points :p I put it on x2 speed when he kept fiddling. Save that for your own game not a video.

Regardless excited about this game! Thankfully it won't be turn based. I had my fill of that with DOS2. Don't think I can stomach another one of those. Real time turn based tends to be my favorite though.
Jun 4, 2008
Character creaton does indeed look very nice. Love the time line that shows you what choices you will have at what level in the future.

Also liked the look of that rules options screen and the big explanatory tooltips. I've never played Pathfinder, but they appear to be taking the rules quite seriously, which bodes well. Turn based suit's me better, but I'm glad to see autopause options in there.

+1 game anticipation.
Sep 16, 2010
Nice videos, but I agree with wolfgrim that the guy playing could stand to not be stuck in a permanent daze. For something like this, you want to play the game first and THEN demonstrate it, in my opinion.

Watching him discover core mechanics for the majority of the video isn't particularly entertaining or informative.

We all know enough about D&D and real-time combat to not have to go over it in slow-motion.

That said, game looks great for an alpha.
Some people that regularly watch the same streamers like it when they record first impressions raw. Which leads to moments of confusion like this.
Aug 13, 2013
I wanted to bludgeon the narrator with a blunt instrument.. *ramble, ramble* 'oh, what's this? Looks like a saving throw bonus...' Seriously, pathfinder is D&D 3.5++... I had no trouble moving across. He spent far to much time faffing about. Hopefully the next vid will be more informative. I'm still very excited about the potential of this game...
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
To me the current character creation relies too much on gamer knowledge of the rules system. Maybe that will change by the final release? Anyway, for people familiar with D&D it looks good.
Mar 22, 2012
To me the current character creation relies too much on gamer knowledge of the rules system. Maybe that will change by the final release? Anyway, for people familiar with D&D it looks good.
That is not a big problem. All the need to implement is a recommended button that highlights one or two choices at each level up.
Oct 3, 2014
To me, needing to study the rules system is a big plus - if it means that you can actually learn about the game from reading the Pathfinder books. That's even better than a proper manual, and I'll happily go down to the comics and D&D shop to geek out and have a coffee.
Nov 8, 2014
To me, needing to study the rules system is a big plus - if it means that you can actually learn about the game from reading the Pathfinder books. That's even better than a proper manual, and I'll happily go down to the comics and D&D shop to geek out and have a coffee.

I had to log in just to like this. :D
To me the current character creation relies too much on gamer knowledge of the rules system. Maybe that will change by the final release? Anyway, for people familiar with D&D it looks good.

I'm pretty sure their primary target audience is full of D&D fans ;)

Anyway, I get what you're saying - but, in this case, the character creation looks like a dream come true for 3.5/Pathfinder lovers.

While it's hard to know if the actual implementation is truly on par with that detail - it sure looks like it.

Now, if only the game can be an overall success - so we can finally get back to proper D&D games instead of the awful turds or inferior wannabes we've seen here and there.

Also, I wish they'd wake the fuck up and implement a cooperative mode.

No one played PnP alone - even if it seems that's what people would have preferred.

Strange that - as I clearly remember the player interaction as my favorite part of roleplaying games.
Ok, so I watched the whole video. Regarding the rules set at the start of the game, I think there should be a way to set "core rules" along with the "Death's door" game mechanic. I really like that mechanic, and think it would add to the game if one (or more) of my characters got the death's door condition through an injury, so at that point you could either chance it, and keep exploring and face possible combat encounters, or to decide to play it safe, and head for the nearest Inn to rest and heal. That would add an interesting amount of tension and decision making to the game.

I don't like that "core rules" locks out the death's door thing. On the other hand, I would want to play core rules because to me, it would be very silly that the enemy can't do critical hits on any of my party members.

Next, the character generation screens do look very well done, I have to agree. They have someone designing the interfaces who knows what they are doing, and it definitely seems to have a look and feel of classic D&D. And it's very cool to see old favorites like "color spray" and other old school type spells being available to choose from.

Finally, I agree with the comments that the guy who made this video needs to do less talking and more action. We really don't care what stupid and lame name you finally decide to call your character - that was the worst part, and took way too long.

On the other hand, when he was taking his time to mouse over the spells and abilities and various interface screens, I enjoyed that and appreciated it so we could get a better idea of the small but important details of the game. So, well done and good show on that part.

Overall, I'm impressed. The game is looking very promising.
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
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