Pillars of Eternity II - Patch to Add Mod Support


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
A major patch for Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire is currently available on the beta branch which adds mod support.

Hello Beta Folk!

The Team has been working hard on getting Version 1.2 ready. This is a bigger patch stuffed with a bunch of fixes, some new features, and some balance changes (see notes below). Windows and OSX version are now available on the beta branches on both Steam and GOG. Linux needs to have an issue resolved before we can add that to the beta for Steam.

We'd really like your help in making sure that these changes & fixes are not having any unintended effects on your game. Specifically, please keep an eye out for:

  • Cases where click-ables cannot be clicked (related to our Fog of War changes)
  • Class/abilities not working correctly (related to our changes for Mod support)
Thank you so much for your help in testing out these beta patches!

UPDATE: 6/28

Hello all!

We are placing an updated build onto the beta branches of Steam and GOG.

Build Updates

  • Linux Build is now available!
    If you have any issues with this Linux update, please try restarting your steam client.
  • Deleting mods, using the up/down arrows for load priority, and clicking the refresh button now work properly.
  • Fixed a rare issue where sometimes save games couldn't be loaded.
  • Fugue Spore poison Charm effect has been changed to Confused and its duration has been slightly increased.
  • Resolved an issue where some entries in the Companion Relationship history UI were blank.
  • Sungrazer Flail Extinction Event can no longer trigger off of its own attack.
  • All consumables now have a scaling keyword on their base ability to ensure that each one properly benefits from scaling.
  • Scroll of Circle of Protection will now play VFX properly and end its duration.
  • Scroll of the Helpless Beast is now PL 0 and scales only with Arcana and Power Level bonuses.
  • Potion of Form of the Fearsome Brute no longer scales its Ogre form passive effects based on attributes.
  • Frost Bomb is now properly set to PL 0, so it will no longer receive scaling penalties.
  • Wahai Poraga now has the correct Penetration value from pollaxe data.

Build Updates

New Features

  • Added mod support for character backgrounds, voice sets, and Classes.
  • Mod Manager added!
    • We have just put in a Mod Manager to work with Nexus Mods. We're still working out the kinks though. Here are some of the known issues we are working on.
    • Known Issues:
      • Unable to delete mods, refresh list or move mods on priority list.
      • View Documentation button leads you to eternity.obsidian.net.
      • Part of UI does not scale properly at low resolutions.
      • Localized text is not yet in.
      • Long titles are displayed in very tiny font.
  • The Player Stash now has a search feature.
  • Holding shift while selling things from your stash will now add items without prompting the player about stack sizes.
  • Reputation screen now displays the player choices that led to changes with the companions's relationship.
  • New UI for Crew Injuries has been Added.
  • Added UI to recommend which companions to bring on quests relevant to those companions.
Major Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where party members who were knocked out during a save state would be dead but still be in the party upon loading the save.
  • Players no longer spiritshift when drinking from the pool at Outcast's Respite. This was causing issues with equipment missing upon loading a save where the user was spiritshifted.
  • Various CPU performance improvements have been made across the game.

  • Players can no longer pickpocket their party members that aren't in the current party.
  • Fixed an issue where Vela would disappear from the player ship when wanting to bark at a party member.
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Can't wait for 3+ class multiclassing :)

Should be trivial to implement.
Mod support could be interesting if the community supports it.

Is this one better than the first game? I’ve tried several times to get through the first game but always lose interest. I find the watcher story line boring and some of the design decisions such as having a monk in plate armor begging to get injured so she can use her special abilities are confounding.
Mod support could be interesting if the community supports it.

Is this one better than the first game? I’ve tried several times to get through the first game but always lose interest.

I struggled through the first game, but this is better in nearly every way., There are so many dramatic gameplay and QoL improvements that it would take hours to explain them all. The character building system, itemization, and encounter design put the IE games to shame.

I also find the story, setting, factions, and lore more interesting than the first game and Baldurs Gate. It sparks my imagination in a way few games can.

Perhaps my favorite improvement though are the sidequests. If you enjoyed Raedric's Hold in the first game, there are now several quests with even greater depth and complexity.
Jun 1, 2018
I struggled through the first game, but this is better in nearly every way., There are so many dramatic gameplay and QoL improvements that it would take hours to explain them all. The character building system, itemization, and encounter design put the IE games to shame.

I also find the story, setting, factions, and lore more interesting than the first game and Baldurs Gate. It sparks my imagination in a way few games can.

Perhaps my favorite improvement though are the sidequests. If you enjoyed Raedric's Hold in the first game, there are now several quests with even greater depth and complexity.

Thanks I’ll have to check it out eventually, unfortunately right now due to work I have no time for games of any length.
I'm at 120 hours, much better than the first game. I estimate I have about 4-6 hours left? Most side quests are done and I have the final mission left.

On a side note, I have still not received my physical rewards from backing this project, almost 2 months after release. Pretty clear someone dropped the ball at Obsidian. I know they blamed it on the initial items being "cheap" from the original fulfillment company, but…
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
On a side note, I have still not received my physical rewards from backing this project, almost 2 months after release. Pretty clear someone dropped the ball at Obsidian. I know they blamed it on the initial items being "cheap" from the original fulfillment company, but…
That's why most developers don't offer physical goods anymore. They learned it's to much of a hassle to get the production, and shipping on time to backers.

Still some offer digital versions of maps, books, and others goods nowadays.
Oct 1, 2010
On a side note, I have still not received my physical rewards from backing this project, almost 2 months after release. Pretty clear someone dropped the ball at Obsidian. I know they blamed it on the initial items being "cheap" from the original fulfillment company, but…

Katrina Garsten was the producer managing the physicals rewards, she left Obsidian last March so I personally expected some delays (I haven't received my stuff either).

Saying that, they said 3 weeks ago that they started to receive the physical stuff and should start to ship soon. I'm wondering why the fulfillment house is taking so much time (as far as I know nobody have received anything yet).
Oct 13, 2007
That's why most developers don't offer physical goods anymore. They learned it's to much of a hassle to get the production, and shipping on time to backers.

That's too bad. I went from not funding this at all, after learning my $1000 weapon donation from the first game wouldn't carry over, to funding almost $300 just so I could get the Eothas statue... As for prying extra money from people, I'm the living example of physical bauble success.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
Looks like the PoE2 community on the Nexus is already pretty active. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with.
Mar 22, 2012
what kind of modding is available? are we talking elder scrolls? can you create new areas?

How is the combat in the new game by the way? Is it still a chaotic mess?
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Oct 1, 2010
How is the combat in the new game by the way? Is it still a chaotic mess?

Feedback is much better. They made animations slower, added directional arrows to show engagement, and put in a speed meter so you can control the pace of combat.
Jun 1, 2018
Based on the first game it wasn't easy as I don't see any new area mods.

I doubt you will see any for Deadfire, the 2D areas push out people away from making new ones. At best, you'll have people re-using existing areas.
Oct 13, 2007
what kind of modding is available? are we talking elder scrolls? can you create new areas?

How is the combat in the new game by the way? Is it still a chaotic mess?

Combat is much better, pathfinding is much better - and custom scripts are much more powerful.

To my mind, it's the best RPG real-time combat system out there.

Which is quite a leap from the first game, which had a pretty terrible combat system.
I doubt you will see any for Deadfire, the 2D areas push out people away from making new ones. At best, you'll have people re-using existing areas.
Could be but Unity itself is the problem but ShadowRun showed it's possible. Just look at Steam or the Nexus for new campaign mods to play. Shame it fizzled out.
Wonder if patches will again phase out those mods, or force makers to update them constantly? As this was always a problem of mods with games that get many patches.
Oct 1, 2010
That's because Shadowrun uses tiles. Pillars of Eternity is just one large 2D image.
Jun 1, 2018
Nice to see patches still being done. Modding games like this doesn't interest me all that much - but kudos for adding more support for it in general. The only "mod" I tend to use is custom portraits which I did using Skyrim to make them.

I really would like to see a POE3 where they continue with what happens after the end of 2. I think there is plenty of story to go there.
Jun 4, 2008
I would love to seem them redo all the PoE games in the most recent iteration of the engine (when they're done with the series) - and I would especially love a cooperative multiplayer mode.

Not that I think it'll happen, though.
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