Vagrus: The Riven Realms - Pre-Alpha Combat Video


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Vagrus: The Riven Realms has been making progress with its combat system.

Companion Combat Improvements

During the first wave of Alpha testing just recently, we've received a lot of useful feedback, especially on the UI (and Combat UI specifically). We've been keenly aware that these elements needed a rework and labored hard on improvements. We are happy to report on how far we've got:

Targeting and Active Turn

For many who played the game, a common grievance was the relatively clunky nature of target selection in Companion combat, as well as deciphering the sequence of actions. This was mainly due to yet unimplemented UI elements. We have since then added an improved targeting UI scheme which highlights everything better:

  • There's more indication as to whose turn it is
  • Also who/what the available targets are
  • We've added hover highlights on target positions
  • And confirm states after target selection
In the next sprint or so we're planning to add more textual guidance and sound effects to combat as well (round counter and announcement before a round, display of the entity that begins its turn, and so on).

Combat Log

There's been a bunch of improvements to the combat log, too, which now has easier-to-understand templates and more informative texts in general. We believe the overhaul had a great effect on usability.


This might seem trivial but adding a ton of new dynamic tooltips (especially in combat) makes combat much smoother and easier to understand. In a stat-heavy game such as Vagrus, we felt that this change brought a lot of clarity and usability.

We're super-excited as we're nearing a more public reveal of the Prologue with each successive build. Thank you so much for helping this come to life!
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
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