Queen's Wish - December Update


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
The December update for Queen's Wish: The Conqueror.

Queen's Wish December 2018 Update!

Posted by Spiderweb Software (Creator)

This will be a short update. A lot of the updates will be short. We're a couple of months into primary design: Sketching out, scripting, populating, and testing the towns, dungeons, and outdoor sections. It's a big game, and there will be a lot of that. We're around a third of the way through.

Primary design is hardest near the beginning. This is when I have to write most of the dialogue for the main characters, make the quest hubs (which frames out the entire story of the game), and make the towns that introduce the cultures of the game. It's a lot of slow, painstaking work, but we're making good progress.

We are also playing the game as we write it. It's still fine. The balance has turned out to be really nice. You end a lot of dungeons in tense battles, just on the edge of disaster. But you make it. It's suspenseful and fun. We're going to keep playing and fine tuning to try to keep that going through the whole game.

Backer Rewards

We have mailed out all but four of the Scrolls of Absolution. We ran out of sealing wax, so a few of them are still not done. We'll get them out as soon as we can get more wax. (It's in the mail!)

If you paid to get your ideas into the game but haven't sent them in yet, please check your Kickstarter account for the survey we sent out.

Anyway, everyone have some great holidays! I'll leave you with the map of the world of Queen's Wish, which I hope you find intriguing and pretty.

- Jeff Vogel


The continent of Sacramentum. It signed treaties with Haven. Then it stopped paying what it agreed to. Your mother has sent you to bring them to heel. What will you do?
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Ha! Yeah, my first thought was that the planet is probably a cube instead of an orb.

(Won't stop me from buying it though)
Oct 19, 2006
Can't wait to play this next year.:clap:
Oct 1, 2010
My geography teacher would collapse seeing that.

Looks like … being drawn by non-cartographs ... and Spain being the biggest part of a world …
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Ouch. Yeah, it has that boxy look of a draft map being sketched out on a sheet of paper by a rookie DM. The details look better, probably because they're map-making icons.
Mar 22, 2012
Jeff's infamous Basterds Art team always FCKN Carefully makes sure their game new content looks like SHT!!
At least take a friggin' look at the majestic world map in Blackguards I-II. and Tactics Ogre for Gods Sake! See, that's the level of quality you wanted to create!
Mar 21, 2013
I received this update earlier today:

Queen's Wish January 2019 Update!

Posted by Spiderweb Software (Creator)

Another shorter update. Primary design continues. We just finished the third “chunk” of the world, out of about eight chunks. Internal testing is going well. Artists are making art. An August PC/Mac release still seems likely.

Also, we took a week off for the holidays. It was nice.

The earlier parts of designing the world tend to be the hard parts. That is because early on is where the quest hubs are placed. These are sections where someone tries to guide the player through one of the paths of the game. This requires a ton of dialogue, and dialogue is the most time-consuming part of my designs. Also, it requires everything in the plot to be in place. Anything I forgot to address or did a half-hearted job on, I have to return to and come up with a real answer.

With this last big chunk of work, I have finished all of the quest hubs. The whole plot of the game is in place. I have a lot to implement, in lots of cities and dungeons. I know what will be there, though, and that is great.

Backer Rewards

All Scrolls of Absolution have been made and sent out. Thank you for your patience! If yours never arrived, please let us know.

If you are contributing names, items, etc. to the game, the final deadline for these is March 31. After that, we can’t guarantee finding a good place to fit your preferred idea into the game. If you haven’t gotten one of our messages about how to contribute ideas, please send us a message.

We should start having more screenshots and other art to show off, as we start getting everything together for our official announcement and Steam page. For now, we have some nice new creature art below ...

Hope you are all off to a good start for the year, and I’ll be getting back to work!

- Jeff Vogel

The mirelings are the result of a magical experiment gone horribly wrong. Are they truly intelligent? Or do they just seem intelligent to throw you off guard before they try to eat you?

The gigantic scorpions of the Vol Wastes. No special lore here. They just want to eat you.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Queen's Wish: The Conqueror February 2019 Update
This has been a big milestone month! The world of the game is half written. All the basics of the world and the stories have been established. We just need to finish them. We hope that the Queen’s Wish content will be done at the end of May, and then we can do the Windows port and finalize everything.

This is a really grueling phase of development. Every day, I get up and do a chunk of game. A dungeon. Three sections of outdoors. Half of a city. There’s a huge pile of things to do, and every day I chip one thing out of the pile. That’s why it’s so satisfying to get halfway. It takes a lot of doubt away. This game will be finished. My brain is pudding, and there’s a long way to go. But we’ll get there.

We’re doing a lot of internal testing to polish the thing up. We want get all of the balance right: tense without being crushing. The game system has a lot of innovative stuff (like the fort building/resource system), and we want to make sure all is clear to the player. And, of course, it’s a new engine, so we have a billion bugs to fix.

We hope to release the game to a small group of our regular beta testers very soon. Kickstarter backers who are in the closed beta will have to wait until the Windows port is done, in a couple of months.

We are also scrambling to get enough art together to announce the game official and put up the Steam page! Our goal for this is April. It’s later than it should be, but some games it takes longer to get art than others. Happily, the art is looking really good!
Oct 1, 2010
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