A Plague Tale: Innocence - Story Trailer and Preview


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
A story trailer for A Plague Tale: Innocence and a preview from TheSixthAxis.

It might be harsh to hold it to such high standards, but you can see where this isn't a Naughty Dog game. You feel it most in the animations; Amicia and Hugo are often moving through the world hand in hand - Hugo panics if left alone for too long - but there's times where he effectively snaps from running freely to handholding, or the amusing way they both spin perfectly in sync when you change direction while hiding behind cover. That said, the game genuinely looks really good a lot of the time, and it's another example of how empowering modern game engines are for developers.

I also have to say that Asobo have done a great job of making Hugo believably childlike, without then being too annoying. He'll do the stupid things that you'd expect of a young boy, swinging wildly between playfulness, naivety and moodiness - I mean, his parents were just murdered and his older sister who he's barely even met before lied to him about it and is being really strict - but it's well judged so that he doesn't grate too much and always does what you or the game wants and needs.

Thanks Farflame!

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Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
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