The Surge 2 - Reviews


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Some reviews for The Surge 2.


Back in 2017 The Surge offered a surprisingly solid sci-fi take on the Action-RPG Souls-genre. Developer Deck13 are back this year in an attempt to improve on those strong foundations of the original title. Whilst fans of the previous game will likely still enjoy The Surge 2, this sequel sadly doesn't improve anywhere near as much as it should.

When you aren't busting skulls, you will be hanging out at one of The Surge 2's hubs. From here, you can sell and buy items from merchants, dance, and get side quests. A lot of these quests reveal a little bit more about the game areas and just how crazy people have become. On top of that, you get scrap which you can use to level up or buy new items, at least for most of the quests. Some of these side quests were more interesting in the main story, and all of them are worth doing. Heck, they even have a vending machine that rewards you for finding audio logs.


For The Surge 2, it was only a few hours into the game before I had a half matching rig set up and an insanely quick light weapon that was actually a blast to play.

All these factors led to me enjoying fights far more this time around, not minding the fact that I had to reface a lot of the same enemies after going back into the MedBays.

Regardless, the grind does take its toll on you the further in the game gets, due in part to the disjointed maps that make up The Surge 2.


The Surge 2 is a likeable game despite some oddities with its cheating AI and lack of diversity with its locations. Once you get a feel for its combat beats, it's a fun game that keeps you coming back for more. Gamers honed on hack-n-slash type experiences will probably find this too-focused and unforgiving to be appealing. Souls-like fans might enjoy what is on offer here despite the way some actions are perhaps too easy in one-direction and too-tough in the other. Either way, if you can reside somewhere in the middle of these elements you'll find an enjoyable post-apocalyptic romp.

In the end though it's the improved combat, minus a few camera issues and frustratingly difficult boss encounters, the progression and build possibilities, and the wonderful level design that go a long way to make up for the lack of narrative drive. Or interest in what happens to the world. In this regard The Surge 2 is an improvement, but an experience that still feels like it's a few more brutal dismemberment finishers away from finding the right plan to research and build its full potential.

The Surge 2 is a mostly playable wreck. It might whet the appetite of Souls-like fans, but it's likely to leave you wanting. Many of the game's major gameplay hooks don't fully come together or feel redundant. I can't even tell you what the point of The Surge 2 is. There are a mountain of potential threads it could choose to focus on, but instead, it spreads itself out to the point of irrelevance. Rather than being a bigger and better version of The Surge, The Surge 2 swallows the series's potential.
Thanks Farflame!

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Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
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