Sands of Salzaar - Early Access Review @Koalition


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Sands of Salzaar has been reviewed by Koalition.

Recruitment is fantastic with the number of unique units. Level up a squad of peasants into great warriors and even recruited beasts have enhancement milestones. What starts out as a couple of wolf pups, quickly becomes massive dire wolves. As you progress through the game, the units you're able to recruit become bigger and meaner with some fantasy representation. They're not just on paper either. Will follow you around in and out of combat.

Entering into combat loads into a separate battle map, and there are three flavors of combat: army vs army (this is what you'll mostly be doing), solo dungeon, and claiming outposts. Army vs army will pit your force vs another on a large map. There is some minor strategy involved but this feels mostly like an action RPG chasing enemies down. In fact, this is my second annoyance. The initial army crash is great, but the stragglers can be tedious to chase down. Some of the AI here could be improved, but overall the combat is unique and engaging. If anything, it's satisfying to see your army grow as you progress.

Thanks Farflame!

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
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