Hogwarts Legacy - Review

I started yesterday - ended up joining Ravenclaw (never read books, so not sure that's significant, but answered sorting hat Q's). So far its quite fun - I don't think it's a deep game, and has some perf issues but nothing major (I turned off RT and cranked down some settings - still looks fine). I've been running around Hogwarts casting 'Revelio!' everywhere (yes, because XP and I have no shame ;) Still exploring the castle and taking classes - think that's quite neat.
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
I'd probably love this if I was into Harry Potter but alas I'm not. Happy for the fans :)
Jul 12, 2009
I look forward to playing this when the time is right. Got other games and not much time right now, but it's also a good excuse to wait for the price to drop a bit. I understand that the launch of the game was successful and that bugs weren't a great nuisance. Well done, Avalanche Software.
Jun 19, 2020
I wish I was a fan of the Harry Potter stuff, because I can see how this game would be awesome, if you are into Harry Potter.
Great atmosphere, and graphics, looks like. That said, the combat does look kinda disappointing and silly in only allowing for 4 spells on screen at one time.

That's something a patch or mod should be able to fix later though.

Anyway, not for me just because the characters would mean nothing to me. (If I wanted a cool, heavily polished and high end AAA funded type game with a very rich and atmospheric setting from a book, about a wizard school, it would be one from my childhood favorites -- A Wizard of Earthsea - I thought it was an enchanting book when I read it as a kid, and still remember it - its definitely one of my all time fantasy favorites)

L.E. Modesitt also wrote a very good fantasy series where a wizard school was an ongoing theme in the books. The saga of Recluce series, I read several of the books, and thought it was quite good.
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Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
Both the Wizard of Earthsea and all the various books by L.E. Modesitt are fantastic. Modesitt is prolific, with the Chaos and Order books as well as Imager series and others. His Chaos/Order books are my favorite and I like how he does his narrative almost always from just the perspective of the main character. Its very well done.

I never really considered The Order on Recluse really a wizard school but I guess it is. The Earthsea one I see as the more traditional like wizard school.
Jun 4, 2008
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