Rogue Trader - Like Mass Effect?


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Rock Paper Shotgun compares Rogue trader with Mass Effect and XCOM:

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader is Warhammer Mass Effect, and you can own planets

Plus, visit Commorragh for the first time in a game

In the grim darkness of the far future, the galaxy is your oyster. Or at least it will be, once you've played 100 hours of Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, an RPG from Pathfinder developer Owlcat in which you can buy planets, configure your genocidal Dark Eldar friend to strike ten times a turn, and gaze on ruefully as a demon explodes out of your Psyker's head.

An immediate and shameful disclaimer: I can't match Nic Reuben's deep knowledge of the 40K tabletop universe, which saw him ruminating upon the mysteries of the Koronus Expanse back in 2022, while holding Owlcat's feet to the fire over the absence of space dwarves. The nearest I got to playing 40K as a lad was its Battlefleet Gothic spin-off (which none of my friends were interested in, so when I say "playing", I mean that I sat in a room staring glumly at some unpainted Lunar-class Cruisers while other kids went out and climbed trees). The framing I'm working with instead, based on an hour of hands-off Rogue Trader gameplay, is that it's sort of Warhammer Mass Effect, but with XCOM-style turn- and grid-based combat, and while there are opportunities to be a compassionate hero, you fundamentally only have the option of playing Renegade. Let's dig in!

Thanks Couchpotato!

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Probably we see a so called "Beauty Screenshot" that gained popularity in old times, from ~30 years ago on the RPS review-page? Developers or publishers loved to ehm.. enrich bland game screenshots in photoshop a little.. :D Judging by that screenshot I say this game has excellent Art Direction! :D

I like the expanded "management" RPS mentions - if you mean the more combat options, they seem to enrich the game and not dumb it down, like Gears Tactics.

UI / interface designer got high on Icewind Dale, I see. Also somebody must have liked the Wasteland 2 Verbose Log and swiped it nicely! :D
I think its okay to share elements from games as we do it as well! I'm looking forward seeing Darth Vader in the next Barbie MyPony game!
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Mar 21, 2013
What an odd comparison. Mentioning XCOM makes sense, but the game is nothing like Mass Effect other than the setting. I wonder if he just used ME because it's the most popular sci-fi RPG with a party of characters. Not that there are many other options.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
More management this will not make a few certain members happy to read.:biggrin:
Well, I have been warning you guys... definitely felt like there are more management portion than in Pathfinder games.

What an odd comparison. Mentioning XCOM makes sense, but the game is nothing like Mass Effect other than the setting. I wonder if he just used ME because it's the most popular sci-fi RPG with a party of characters. Not that there are many other options.

Some parts of the game did feel like Mass Effect to me as well - especially the space exploration + material extraction from each planet.

But I'd say its more XCOM than ME.
Sep 4, 2021
I found the management parts (in Beta) to be very unintrusive. I would even say, less intrusive than in the Pathfinder games. Every now and then you get a call to visit somewhere, but most things could be done remotely. Even if you don't like that part of the game much, it should be more than bearable.
Feb 21, 2015
BW, Germany
More fun stuff to do sounds like music to my ears. Will have a more elaborate opinion when I get a chance to play the released version of the game, as prior to that, anything one can say about it is pointless speculation.
Apr 26, 2023
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